“And I understand people of the Jewish faith were herded into trains, transported to death camps, and exterminated like lice by gas, guns, live burial, burned alive, etc. from 1935-1945. A reference to the Holocaust means that you think other people are subjected to industrialized mass murder. And many Jews in the US had relatives murdered by Nazis. Aren’t you glad you’re not a Jew. And can drop Holocaust references right and left. No one you knew or loved get stuffed into an oven.”
Irrelavent. The analogy is either valid or invalid. If invalid, make an actual argument why not.
So it is govenment policy that pregnant women in the US can be denounced by greedy neighbors, forced into abortion clinics, undergo abortions against their will, and murdered if they disagree with this government policy. Pro-life Christians face arrest, being transported to death camps, stuffed into gas chambers, and their bodies stripped of hair and gold dental fillings and burned.
Yes, the Holocaust analogy is wrong. And decent people do not make that argument.
That’s just stupid. You need to be straightened out.
Abortion and Holocaust deniers
Question from on 02-02-2006: I’m shocked the Anti-Defamation League would do something this horrible. They stated that comparing abortion to the holocaust is “throws fire on the ramp”. Since when is telling the truth firing up the ramp? I don’t think so. Furthermore it states that “In the noisy debate over abortion, as with other issues at the forefront of our national discussion, each time an outspoken activist, such as March for Life’s Nellie Gray, accuses her opponents of “crimes against humanity” worthy of the Nuremburg trials, something closer to truth is lost in the process”. When are we pro-lifers making quote “noise”. Apparently they think we pro-lifers are a bunch of noise makers. Liberal bullwash. “With Holocaust survivors ever diminishing in numbers, and with some world leaders still attempting to paint the Holocaust as fiction, we need to adopt a more civil tone in our national dialogue that rejects false comparisons to genocide”. Abortion is a false comparison to genocide? Please. How clueless are these people. Lord, don’t hold this sin against them.
Thanks for all you do Judie.
Answer by Judie Brown on 02-03-2006: Dear Nick
The January 24 letter to the editor of the New York times, written by the ADL, actually says in part:
“While Holocaust analogies throw fuel on the fire and ramp up the rhetoric of the debate over abortion, they do little in the service of truth, history or memory. In the noisy debate over abortion, as with other issues at the forefront of our national discussion, each time an outspoken activist, such as March for Life’s Nellie Gray, accuses her opponents of “crimes against humanity” worthy of the Nuremburg trials, something closer to truth is lost in the process.”
First, the writer clearly does not believe that abortion is an act of murder; second the writer has relegated abortion to an “issue” rather than the clear violation of human rights that it is.
These people are not clueless; they are simply in denial. Once the truth confronts them and they accept it, they will cease their war of words against pro-life Americans. Until then they deserve and need our prayers.
Judie Brown
Think about it.