Sen. Schumer: Protecting abortion access is a Catholic value

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There are Catholics who will tell you that conscience is the first, primordial instinct that the human person must follow, and that keeping with this concept, some people’s consciences tell them that abortion is a permissible human act. They would then tell you that we must respect everyone’s consciences, and that the demands of these people’s consciences make it imperative that we maintain and preserve abortion rights. That’s probably the line of reasoning that informs the making of signs such as these.

To paraphrase Charles Dickens, if that be conscience, then conscience is a donkey. (I have another word in mind that means the same thing as “donkey”, but it might not be well-received on this forum, even though it appears in the Bible.) Were Ted Bundy and Charles Manson in good conscience? They may have been. Do I stop the murderer who is killing my neighbor because his conscience tells him what he’s doing is not wrong? Because his conscience tells him that it would be wrong not to murder my neighbor?

My conscience is the Church, and the Church is my conscience. Our Blessed Lord wills everyone to be in His One True Catholic Church, and to be similarly informed as to their consciences. Full stop.
Chuck Schumer is preaching to his choir.

I don’t recall the name of the church…
There are Catholics who will tell you that conscience is the first, primordial instinct that the human person must follow, and that keeping with this concept, some people’s consciences tell them that abortion is a permissible human act. They would then tell you that we must respect everyone’s consciences, and that the demands of these people’s consciences make it imperative that we maintain and preserve abortion rights. That’s probably the line of reasoning that informs the making of signs such as these.

To paraphrase Charles Dickens, if that be conscience, then conscience is a donkey. (I have another word in mind that means the same thing as “donkey”, but it might not be well-received on this forum, even though it appears in the Bible.) Were Ted Bundy and Charles Manson in good conscience? They may have been. Do I stop the murderer who is killing my neighbor because his conscience tells him what he’s doing is not wrong? Because his conscience tells him that it would be wrong not to murder my neighbor?

My conscience is the Church, and the Church is my conscience. Our Blessed Lord wills everyone to be in His One True Catholic Church, and to be similarly informed as to their consciences. Full stop.
The same word-synonymous-with-donkey appeared in Dickens’ own novel - if he at the height of Victorian puritanism could use it, I don’t see why you shouldn’t.
There are Catholics who will tell you that conscience is the first, primordial instinct that the human person must follow, and that keeping with this concept, some people’s consciences tell them that abortion is a permissible human act. They would then tell you that we must respect everyone’s consciences, and that the demands of these people’s consciences make it imperative that we maintain and preserve abortion rights. That’s probably the line of reasoning that informs the making of signs such as these.
To paraphrase Charles Dickens, if that be conscience, then conscience is a donkey. (I have another word in mind that means the same thing as “donkey”, but it might not be well-received on this forum, even though it appears in the Bible.) Were Ted Bundy and Charles Manson in good conscience? They may have been. Do I stop the murderer who is killing my neighbor because his conscience tells him what he’s doing is not wrong? Because his conscience tells him that it would be wrong not to murder my neighbor?

My conscience is the Church, and the Church is my conscience. Our Blessed Lord wills everyone to be in His One True Catholic Church, and to be similarly informed as to their consciences. Full stop.
The same word-synonymous-with-donkey appeared in Dickens’ own novel - if he at the height of Victorian puritanism could use it, I don’t see why you shouldn’t.
There is nothing wrong with the “a-word” used when referring to a donkey, but I just don’t want to get snagged in any filters. It has three letters and two of those are S.
How on earth anyone could believe that is ridiculous when the Church clearly teaches that abortion is intrinsically evil. It’s so evil that anyone who commits the sin or help someone else to do so is automatically excommunicated.
Schumer is a member of the Democrat Pro-Abortion Party of Death…
Oh, but the DEMOCRATIC Party is more aligned with Catholic teachings about mercy, charity, acceptance, caring for the earth, etc. than that mean-old Republican Party. Why, mercy me, we all know that the Republican Party was opposed to slavery and fought for African Americans to have civil rights–oh, oops. Yes, those were the Republicans, but they changed through the years, and now they are racist, misogynous, sexist, homophobic, gun-toting, religion-clinging money-grubbing millionaires who believe that people should all pull themselves up by their bootstraps even if they can’t afford to buy boots.

And Catholics fall for this.

Instead of trying to twist things to convince fellow Catholics and other Christians that Republicans are all the things listed above, they should instead should be leading the way in demanding that their darling Democratic champions drop their support of abortion access and abortion-related industries and add “PRO-UNBORN” to their list of people groups that they claim face insurmountable obstacles because of hate-motivated Republican policies.
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I was listening to Jimmy Akin on CA Live and he says that the translation is more in line with Thou Shall Not Murder.

We know it is okay and righteous to kill when it is morally licit, in protecting your family from harm, or a police officer stopping a crime or in just war.

Just not innocent human lives, like through abortion or infanticide or euthanasia.
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The headline is misleading. “Sen. Schumer: xxxx” usually means “Senator Schumer said xxxx”. But all we see in the photo is Senator Schumer talking at a rally of some sort, and someone is holding up a sign that says xxxx. If any of you have ever been to a political rally, you know that various people bring their various viewpoints and signs to the rally. These signs are not all personally approved by the keynote speaker. Now maybe Sen. Schumer actually believes what this sign says. But the evidence presented here does not show it.
Oh, but the DEMOCRATIC Party is more aligned with Catholic teachings about mercy, charity, acceptance, caring for the earth, etc. than that mean-old Republican Party.
The Party of Death is not aligned w/Jesus - Messiah of all. .
The Party of Death is not aligned w/Jesus - Messiah of all. .
Yes, I agree,

I was being sarcastic in my post. Frankly, I am utterly disgusted when I hear of Christians who vote for Democrats and claim that these candidates advocate policies that are consistent with Catholic teachings.

I think that Catholics and other Christians would be more likely to get Republican candidates to consider changing any policies that don’t line up with Catholic teachings than getting Democrats to stop advocating abortion.

Or…Catholics and other Christians could take a good, hard, honest, clear-eyed, open-minded look at the Republican party and their local Republican politicians and find out what the G.O.P… really advocates instead of continuing to believe what they have always believed about Republicans. And while they’re at it, take a really really good hard, very hard look at the Democratic Party–the history, the people, and the results of the various Democratic policies that have become part of the United States over the years.
Even if he does, that makes his error no greater than Evangelicals who accuse Catholics of worshiping Mary. He is not presenting himself as a Catholic, so we shouldn’t be surprised if he gets Catholicism very wrong.
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