Senate Prober to Corrupt Kofi: Resign Now

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"Senate Prober to Corrupt Kofi: Resign Now

Oil-for-Food scandal prober Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., is calling on U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to resign after determining that the world body has been swamped by a tidal wave of corruption on Annan’s watch.

“While many questions concerning Oil-for-Food remain unanswered, one conclusion has become abundantly clear: Kofi Annan should resign,” Coleman said in a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece on Wednesday.

“The decision to call for his resignation does not come easily, but I have arrived at this conclusion because the most extensive fraud in the history of the U.N. occurred on his watch. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, as long as Mr. Annan remains in charge, the world will never be able to learn the full extent of the bribes, kickbacks and under-the-table payments that took place under the U.N.'s collective nose.”

The consequences of the Oil-for-Food scandal “cannot be overstated,” Coleman said.

“Saddam [Hussein] was empowered to withstand the sanctions regime, remain in power, and even rebuild his military. Needless to say, he made the Iraqi people suffer even more by importing substandard food and medicine under the Oil-for-Food program and pawning it off as first-rate humanitarian aid…”
And, as might be expected, the UN and Kofi wasted no time in rejecting the call for his resignation. I also see where the EU says it needs to get involved in the rebuilding of Iraq. Is their oil for food money running low?
This scandal exposes how the corrupt UN kept Saddam in power. What an important story, when will we see this on the front page of the NY Times?
Michael C:
This scandal exposes how the corrupt UN kept Saddam in power. What an important story, when will we see this on the front page of the NY Times?
I listened to an interviw with Senatore Coleman earlier today; in it he questions if we would even be In Iraq today had this nefarious bunch been caught earlier in the game. As he detailed various levels of people at the UN and the obstacles and downright refusals they have put in the way of this investigation, it became apparent that there is plenty more to hide. As he put it, “this makes Enron look like chump change.”
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