Senator Clinton Finds Values?

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Media reports have been intense about Sen. Hillary Clinton’s (D-NY) speech on Monday urging the Democratic Party to seek “common ground” on abortion. Mrs. Clinton called abortion “sad, even tragic” and praised right to life advocates for their sincerity of conviction. Can the compliment be repaid? Clinton joins a trickle of Democrats, not yet a stream, from Michael Kinsley to Benjamin Wittes (in the current Atlantic Monthly) to former Indiana Congressman Tim Roemer, who have called on their party to reconsider its abortion rights stance. Sen. Clinton spoke of promoting adoption and family planning to reduce “unwanted pregnancies,” but she also made it clear that she has not changed her pro-choice views. Was her speech all about – only about --her potential presidential candidacy in 2008? Pro-life groups are always ready to welcome new allies, but decades of labor have taught them to look for “deeds, not words.”

In the days to come, the new breed of “reconciliation Democrats” will have plenty of chances to demonstrate their change of heart. They can vote for legislation advising women of the pain inflicted by abortion on developing children in the womb. They can drop their pro-Roe litmus test for federal judges. They can vote to end the interstate transport of minors to evade parental notice laws. They can stop demanding that American families subsidize Planned Parenthood, which performs and promotes sad and tragic procedures in record numbers every year. In politics, we may trust and hope, but we must always test and verify.

– Mark L. Chance.
Clinton joins a trickle of Democrats, not yet a stream, from Michael Kinsley to Benjamin Wittes (in the current Atlantic Monthly) to former Indiana Congressman Tim Roemer, who have called on their party to reconsider its abortion rights stance.
– Mark L. Chance.
Get me in that river (I’m a Democratic Party Committeewoman). I’ll bring along our pro-life Democratic State Treasurer, our pro-life Democratic Senate Leader, Congressman Oberstar from Minnesota, Congressman Lanigvan from Rhode Island, Eunice & Sarge Shriver, David Bonior, E.J. Dionne, Mark Sheilds, and many more. Its a good river to be in.
To quote TPJ Catholic from another thread:
Hillary is rabidly pro-abortion.
Most major pro-abortion groups have given her a 100% rating.
She is for civil partnerships/unions for gays.
She voted no against the partial birth abortion ban.
She voted no against the bill that makes it a crime to kill a baby in the womb.
She seeks to expand embryonic stem cell research.
Hillary has set herself as an enemy of the Catholic Church…that is enough for me.
BTW, I have no issue with a woman becoming President. It just has to be the right woman.
Hillary is rabidly pro-abortion.Most major pro-abortion groups have given her a 100% rating.

She is for civil partnerships/unions for gays.

She voted no against the partial birth abortion ban.

She voted no against the bill that makes it a crime to kill a baby in the womb.

She seeks to expand embryonic stem cell research.

Hillary has set herself as an enemy of the Catholic Church…that is enough for me to never consider her for any office…and it should be enough for all Catholics.
Get me in that river (I’m a Democratic Party Committeewoman). I’ll bring along our pro-life Democratic State Treasurer, our pro-life Democratic Senate Leader, Congressman Oberstar from Minnesota, Congressman Lanigvan from Rhode Island, Eunice & Sarge Shriver, David Bonior, E.J. Dionne, Mark Sheilds, and many more. Its a good river to be in.
I knew it!! Well, if its true … and you can find more than 2 or 3 Dems wo are pro life…it would be a shock!! In fact bet you’d never be allowed to be heard. Didn’t see any at the Dem convention…

Ahh katherine 2 …as we say here 'Bless you heart. 😃
With a little more practice at changing positions, she might turn into a female version of John Kerry.

Sen. Hillary Clinton, one of Washington’s most vocal advocates of abortion
rights (including partial-birth abortion), fetal stem-cell research, and
funding for contraceptives, is scheduled to speak on Monday, January 31,
at Canisius College on “The Governmental Role in Caring for the Sick.”
The lecture is part of a series on the Governmental Role in Effectuating
the Corporal Works of Mercy. Co-sponsors of the event include Call to
Action, Citizen Action of New York and labor unions.

CONTACT: Rev. Vincent Cooke, S.J., President, Canisius College, 2001 Main
St., Buffalo, NY 14208-1098; (716) 888-2100;
I knew it!! Well, if its true … and you can find more than 2 or 3 Dems wo are pro life…it would be a shock!! In fact bet you’d never be allowed to be heard. Didn’t see any at the Dem convention…

Ahh katherine 2 …as we say here 'Bless you heart. 😃
No wonder the Republicans have given us such a large budget deficit,; they don’t have basic math skills 😃

Sweetheart, I listed ten (10) pro-life Democrats in my post. 2 and 3 are both lesser number than ten. So I’ve already given you at least 3x what you asked for.
Hillary Clinto has no business speaking at a Catholic college, and that college should refuse her visit.
FYI, a quick search on two people:

Congressman Lanigvan

*Strong supporter of stem cell research–which is abortion.

*Supports civil unions for gays.

David Bonior

*** **Voted NO on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad, which helps pay for abortions in other countries.

*** Voted NO on banning gay adoptions in DC. **
***** Supports stem cell research—which is abortion.
Get me in that river (I’m a Democratic Party Committeewoman). I’ll bring along our pro-life Democratic State Treasurer, our pro-life Democratic Senate Leader, Congressman Oberstar from Minnesota, Congressman Lanigvan from Rhode Island, Eunice & Sarge Shriver, David Bonior, E.J. Dionne, Mark Sheilds, and many more. Its a good river to be in.
Good for you!! But where were you when the Clintons (I truly believe anything political he ever did was always at her insistence) barred Pennsylvania’s former governor Bob Casey from speaking at the Democratic National Convention because of Casey’s pro-life stance?

I would love for the Democrats to back off their ridiculous endorsement of abortion. It might even prevent me from leaving the party. However, I do not believe for a moment that Hillary is in any way changing her tune. She is a master of manipulation and plans to play out the next four years confusing people as to her true stand on the issue (as well as the other issues she supports which are directly contrary to God’s plan).
Hillary is nothing if not arrogant. Remember, when facing accusations about the Whitewater scandal, she acted surprised that it was even an issue because the Clintons did not personally make any money from it. As an attorney, she should know that the legality of a scheme is not dependent on whether her participation in the scheme was profitable. It is typical Hillary - assuming the public will not look beyond the surface of her response.
If I could, I would love to pose the following question to her:
Given that Catholics believe that all human life is sacred, how can you have the audacity to support the destruction of innocent human life and at the same time ask Catholics to support you?
No wonder the Republicans have given us such a large budget deficit,; they don’t have basic math skills 😃

Sweetheart, I listed ten (10) pro-life Democrats in my post. 2 and 3 are both lesser number than ten. So I’ve already given you at least 3x what you asked for.
Because you listed them doesn’t mean they are pro life, how can you tell…? Any one can say they are but …how do they act. Didn’t you say they were dems?
Oh, and by the way , I am not a republican…but you never know I might sign up…
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