Senior Clergy covering up - "I don't remember."

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Can YOU tell us exactly when you learned the law that “it was a crime for an adult to engage in sex with a kid?”
Around the time I was six. Maybe younger. Pretty ridiculous defense, to be perfectly honest.
For that matter, could anyone ever really answer such a question?
Most people would say: “I have always known iy was a crime” but then most people didn’t cover up for pedophiles so they don’t have to play word games.

These kinds of “defenses” are why I have such a hard time convincing Protestants that thr Catholic Church isn’t a pedo-cult, and if you think that isn’t how we are perceived by a lot of people then you need to go outside some more.
Matthew 10: 26“Therefore do not be afraid of them. Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. 27 What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. 28 And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.

We have to be careful here; The ministry of Reconciliation can be and probably will be the subject matter that ultimately comes under attack.

I remember having dinner with my confessor, and privately mentioned a confessed sin. He instructed me that he cannot recall that sin. I was shocked. Then he went on to explain how God graces our priest with God’s mercy and justice, that if God does not remember your sin, what power do you falsely accuse me of having, that I can remember a forgiven sin.

We are not talking about reprobation of sin or penance here.
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The first question was ‘you knew it was a crime’ to have sex with minors.’ My answer would have been ‘Yes, since it has been a crime my whole life and I cannot recollect a time when I was NOT aware of that fact.’

His answer seems to have been obfuscation - first he didn’t remember and then tried to say it only became a crime - to have sex with minors! - ‘later’, which I’m confident is incorrect. And almost certainly he would have been aware was incorrect.
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I think Matt 18:6 puts it in context. Reprobation is what we are talking about
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Of course, but my response to the OP in the “Clergy covering up- I don’t remember” is not justified in the negative or by secular legal carnal standards and understandings. When a clergy say’s he doesn’t remember, He is speaking by divine providence or is the clergy being judged before a trial?

Eternal Reprobation should be God’s alone who can destroy the soul and body. Human reprobation can be a slippery slope.
it was happening right up to the 21st Century. And not just in the Catholic Church. Its an issue for the wider community.
You, on the other-hand, have attempted to cast doubt on its veracity by suggesting (judging) CM is not reliable
No. All I said was
In this era of disinformation, we need to use and patronze services we have examined and judged ourselves, not just regurgitate Google results.
I never said anything directly concerning CM.
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