Serial abortion

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local newspaper reported several cases in which unmarried teenage girls had 5 or 6 abortions. I’m wondering what’s in their mind? do any pro-choice out there can respect a choice like that?

one such girl believes abortions can help her lose weight. no reasons given by others.

serial killer Elizabeth Bathory believed the blood of girls can improve her complexion.
I have an aquaintance that has had 3. I really don’t know what is going on in her mind either. Her last one she told everyone about and decided to keep the baby since she was in a good relationship with the father. Then at a month pregnant she had a fight with him and had an abortion a few days later. It was really sick. Another friend told me she had bought a crib and everything. How could you do that and then go home and look at that crib and just put it away? By the way, she made up with this boyfriend a few more days after the abortion and married him. One month later, they are in the process of a divorce. :nope: Even my friends that are pretty secular in their values are shocked by stuff like this. Abortion is not a form of birth control, but I thnk some people are using it as such. It’s sickening.
Women have been indoctrinated that it’s a “blob of tissue.” They do not understand they are killing a human being. If they were shown sonograms of their babies and heard their beating hearts I think it would change many minds. Unfortunately abortionists want this kept in the dark.

I had a former friend who’d had five abortions. I didn’t know about it at the time, she happened to mention it as we had the same doctor. He left practice and went to work for PP. And yes I was an ignorant fool at the time or I would not have gone to a doctor who was an abortionist. He must have the weight of many souls on his heart by now.

Lisa N
Women have been indoctrinated that it’s a “blob of tissue.” They do not understand they are killing a human being. If they were shown sonograms of their babies and heard their beating hearts I think it would change many minds.
Hi Lisa,
I believe this is true for some people. Not all. I personally know 3 relatives who I, negatively, think of as “the abortion queens”.
I has had 5 and regrets none of them.
One has had 4 and regrets none of them.
One has had 4 and regrets none of them.
They are all 3 well educated, adult women who have bought into the “blob of tissue” pp description because that’s exactly what they want to hear. They do not want, and absolutely refuse to, see these aborted children as human beings. They are seen by these women as annoyances and yes, they, all 3, have used abortion as birth control, admit doing so and are comfortable with their actions.
2 of these women were raised by “60’s” parents who, though in their 70’s now, are and have always been ultra liberal in their world views and taught their daughters the same views.
There is no excuse for the other one.
Sorry to go on and on, but because of my personal experiences with bull headed, in the dark, because that’s where they are comfortable, relatives, I always feel the need to explain that personal responsibility is a huge factor. They KNOW, very good and well that they are not murdering a “blob of tissue”, they just refuse to acknowledge it because it’s expedient for them to not do so. :mad:
Hi Lisa,
I believe this is true for some people. Not all. I personally know 3 relatives who I, negatively, think of as “the abortion queens”.
I has had 5 and regrets none of them.
One has had 4 and regrets none of them.
One has had 4 and regrets none of them.
They are all 3 well educated, adult women who have bought into the “blob of tissue” pp description because that’s exactly what they want to hear. They do not want, and absolutely refuse to, see these aborted children as human beings. They are seen by these women as annoyances and yes, they, all 3, have used abortion as birth control, admit doing so and are comfortable with their actions.
2 of these women were raised by “60’s” parents who, though in their 70’s now, are and have always been ultra liberal in their world views and taught their daughters the same views.
There is no excuse for the other one.
Sorry to go on and on, but because of my personal experiences with bull headed, in the dark, because that’s where they are comfortable, relatives, I always feel the need to explain that personal responsibility is a huge factor. They KNOW, very good and well that they are not murdering a “blob of tissue”, they just refuse to acknowledge it because it’s expedient for them to not do so. :mad:
It’s amazing what the human mind is capable of. These women probably do know, they just suppress it. A grave evil like that won’t stay suppressed forever. A woman will either realize what she did and repent of it OR become extremely hardened OR lose their sanity. I know post-abortive women in all three categories.
catsrus, your relatives sound like my (former) friend. They just will not hear anything that would question their decision. It’s MY body blah blah blah…

This woman did use abortion for birth control. I asked her why she didn’t use some method since she was obviously sleeping around. She said it would take the 'spontenaity" out of the date.

In contrast I know several other women who have had ONE abortion, as a result of a pregnancy with their (now) husband. Both were single and it wasn’t the right time. I know they all regret it. One of them is Catholic and sadly she and her husband weren’t able to have as many kids as they wanted. She said she feels punished for the abortion she had when they were singles.

Lisa N

Lisa N
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