No, their commitment is NOT why they are barred from getting married. In fact, a priest, in the future, could be given the power to marry, and they used to have that power. And a married person is not barred from getting married; they already ARE married.No. that formula is redundant. BARRED includes those who are barred because of commitments. You are including the reasons for why they are barred, my formula is highlighting the fact that they are barred.
Special treatment I mean the brother-sister thing, the priest thing, the married thing. They have in common the fact that they are barred from from a sexual relatonship. They can have a romantic relationship but cant move it to B. People here are unwilling to apply this standard consistently to include them especially the incestuous coupling, which is why I spoke of special treatment.
Also, as people have mentioned, there is nothing barring a brother and sister from a romantic friendship, though, as Kamaduck pointed out, there are practical concerns. Why is it “special treatment” if the uncommitted, single, brother/sister can still do it? Making out has cultural significance, not inherent significance.