No, as has been pointed out to you many times through the Canadian and United Kingdom Bishops’ explanation of Church teaching, “objectively disordered” means "disordered in its object." It is disordered insofar as it leads to genital activity or lust. You are not using the correct Catholic definition of the term “objectively.”You are basically saying that the homosexual inclination is only subjectively disordered. That is, it is only a disordered inclination by virtue of an individuals experience of it?
That is the antithesis Catholic teaching which stresses that it is ***objectively ***disordered. That is, in and of itself disordered.
I have addressed both of these things too. It is not a near occasion of sin, and scandal should be addressed appropriately. But neither of these things speak to the morality of the act itself.This is just my opinion of course, but I still maintain that having a partner to begin with already rolls out the carpet for temptation. Maybe “not for you” (although if you end up having sex with the partner, that says otherwise), but perhaps for the partner and also perhaps for the people who might observe a partnership/relationship in public, i.e scandal. So even if you are not tenpted, your partner and the public may very well be.