This is my first posting - I didn’t know who to talk to, so I thought I’d put my situation out there for my Catholic brothers and sisters to help…
For the last 15 months, I’ve been dating a wonderful man. He was raised Baptist, but now he really affiliates himself more with Evangelical/“Bible based” churches. He has a wonderful faith which is supported with a strong understanding of Protestant theology. He is extremely well-read, and has a sharp, logical mind.
I am a born-and-raised Catholic. I will always be Catholic. I love my faith and the Church. My family is very much rooted in the Catholic Church, and I do not plan on changing any of that.
However, when put to the test by my decidedly Protestant boyfriend, I often wind up floundering and cannot argue Catholic theology to save my life. I walk away from these conversations (which are becoming more and more frequent) feeling like Catholic theology is full of holes and that my “blind faith” is childish.
I know that there are plenty of resources available on Catholic apologetics, and in the heat of the moment, I can’t seem to stand on firm ground against his inquiries. I also know that at a young age, Protestants are armed with anti-Catholic doctrine to assist them in the “Mission to Catholics,” so I know that these thoughts are deeply ingrained in my boyfriend.
I love my boyfriend very very much, despite his closed-mindedness to the Catholic Church. How can I proceed? Has anyone out there been in this situation? Who can I appeal to in my area for help? Where can I even BEGIN to get up to speed on Catholic theology?
Thank you so much for any advice - I feel isolated in my struggle. I don’t want to talk to friends and family about this, because I don’t want to skew their opinion of my boyfriend.
For the last 15 months, I’ve been dating a wonderful man. He was raised Baptist, but now he really affiliates himself more with Evangelical/“Bible based” churches. He has a wonderful faith which is supported with a strong understanding of Protestant theology. He is extremely well-read, and has a sharp, logical mind.
I am a born-and-raised Catholic. I will always be Catholic. I love my faith and the Church. My family is very much rooted in the Catholic Church, and I do not plan on changing any of that.
However, when put to the test by my decidedly Protestant boyfriend, I often wind up floundering and cannot argue Catholic theology to save my life. I walk away from these conversations (which are becoming more and more frequent) feeling like Catholic theology is full of holes and that my “blind faith” is childish.
I know that there are plenty of resources available on Catholic apologetics, and in the heat of the moment, I can’t seem to stand on firm ground against his inquiries. I also know that at a young age, Protestants are armed with anti-Catholic doctrine to assist them in the “Mission to Catholics,” so I know that these thoughts are deeply ingrained in my boyfriend.
I love my boyfriend very very much, despite his closed-mindedness to the Catholic Church. How can I proceed? Has anyone out there been in this situation? Who can I appeal to in my area for help? Where can I even BEGIN to get up to speed on Catholic theology?
Thank you so much for any advice - I feel isolated in my struggle. I don’t want to talk to friends and family about this, because I don’t want to skew their opinion of my boyfriend.