This is serious, not sarcastic.
I keep hearing in conversations on television (mainly from journalists interviewing celebrities) and in the print media (mainly from journalists interviewing people who are still working and earning a paycheck) and of course, here on CAF (people I don’t know personally) that we need to keep the precautionary restrictions going until we have a vaccine.
What if there isn’t a vaccine?
Usually, vaccines take a long time, several years, to develop and trial-test before releasing it to the public. There are a lot of risks with a vaccine (or any med for that matter), and I personally would be very hesitant to take something into my body that hasn’t been rigorously vetted.
So what do we do if the vaccine isn’t available by this summer? Or next fall? Or next year at this same time?
I’m serious here. Right now, we have a 14.7 % unemployment rate, and it will get worse, as companies are forced to let go of employees that they’ve been sustaining with company funds that were never meant to be used to pay wages.
Kids are supposedly learning from home. But in reality, many kids in the U.S. are NOT learning from home because they don’t have parents who keep on them and make them do their online lessons and do activities other than watch TV and sleep. In our city, our achievement test scores have been horrifically low for over a decade; 85% of our students do not achieve minimal grade levels on their standardized national tests–that’s eighty-five percent–it wasn’t a typo on Peeps’ part! Does anyone honestly think these kids are diligently going online and doing the lessons that their teachers have developed?
What will happen to the vast number of children and teens who spend a year or more not learning squat other than how to win the latest computer game?
And how about churches? Many churches are already losing big money–how will they continue to pay their employees and pastors? Catholic priests have a whole world of parishioners to care for them, and they are historically willing to suffer poverty for the sake ot the gospel. But most Protestant pastors earn a living and support families (often with many children!) from their pastorates!
And sports? And the arts? Many people are employed directly or indirectly in these professions, not necessarily as bazillionaire athletes or actors, but as support staff, office staff, maintenance, restaurants, etc. What will they do now?
WHAT if there is no vaccine? What’s the plan? Is the United States and much of the rest of the world as we know it—gone?
I keep hearing in conversations on television (mainly from journalists interviewing celebrities) and in the print media (mainly from journalists interviewing people who are still working and earning a paycheck) and of course, here on CAF (people I don’t know personally) that we need to keep the precautionary restrictions going until we have a vaccine.
What if there isn’t a vaccine?
Usually, vaccines take a long time, several years, to develop and trial-test before releasing it to the public. There are a lot of risks with a vaccine (or any med for that matter), and I personally would be very hesitant to take something into my body that hasn’t been rigorously vetted.
So what do we do if the vaccine isn’t available by this summer? Or next fall? Or next year at this same time?
I’m serious here. Right now, we have a 14.7 % unemployment rate, and it will get worse, as companies are forced to let go of employees that they’ve been sustaining with company funds that were never meant to be used to pay wages.
Kids are supposedly learning from home. But in reality, many kids in the U.S. are NOT learning from home because they don’t have parents who keep on them and make them do their online lessons and do activities other than watch TV and sleep. In our city, our achievement test scores have been horrifically low for over a decade; 85% of our students do not achieve minimal grade levels on their standardized national tests–that’s eighty-five percent–it wasn’t a typo on Peeps’ part! Does anyone honestly think these kids are diligently going online and doing the lessons that their teachers have developed?
What will happen to the vast number of children and teens who spend a year or more not learning squat other than how to win the latest computer game?
And how about churches? Many churches are already losing big money–how will they continue to pay their employees and pastors? Catholic priests have a whole world of parishioners to care for them, and they are historically willing to suffer poverty for the sake ot the gospel. But most Protestant pastors earn a living and support families (often with many children!) from their pastorates!
And sports? And the arts? Many people are employed directly or indirectly in these professions, not necessarily as bazillionaire athletes or actors, but as support staff, office staff, maintenance, restaurants, etc. What will they do now?
WHAT if there is no vaccine? What’s the plan? Is the United States and much of the rest of the world as we know it—gone?
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