Serious Topic--what do we do about social isolation policies if a vaccine takes months or years to release to the public?

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Let’s pray that God has the script, and He has the plan. All we have is God and Faith. My mother in law once said “There isn’t any tough situation in life that a good Catholic can’t get through”…
All we can do is be Catholic 🙂
Really good! Thank you!

I don’t know if other Catholics feel the same way I do–perhaps it’s because I’m a convert. But this world situation is challenging to those of us who rely on routines and rituals–e.g., weekend Mass with a congregation, and often for me, playing the piano/organ. Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at our parish’s Adoration Chapel. Being involved in a small way with parish life (Bible study, playing piano for the school choir, etc.). Attending Daily Mass on my days off work–nice to see that crowd of regular faithful! Confession in person in a confessional (I just can’t get into a "drive through confession, especially since my stick shift car is noisy). And above all, reception of the Lord in Holy Communion.

I’ve read posts from many here on CAF who protest the closing of the parishes, especially for Mass–makes me wonder if these Catholics are being forced to examine their hearts and make sure that their religion is not just a system of rituals more than a relationship with the Living God. That’s what I’m trying to do, and it’s eye-opening. All my “safety nets” are now taken away and I am forced to really take stock of where I am in my journey to heaven.
I believe in vaccines, but only those what are proven over time. Do you really want to be one of the first ones to take the vaccine? I know I don’t, if I had listened to my Dr and took the first Shingles vaccine that was out (and now has a lawsuit against the maker) chances are I would of developed shingles like so many others who are also immune suppressant. I rule of thumb is I will not do a vaccine that is not at least 10 years old.

Bless the workers on the front lines, and for all they do. I have several family members who are on the front lines in the hospitals. And thankfully are healthy despite what they are surrounded by. I have a strong belief in God and know he will protect me. With that said, sorry I will not bow to the government (My local) in everything they want you to do. I will not wear a mask even though I am over 60 and immune comprised. I have a slight case of claustrophobia and can not cover my mouth and nose with anything at the same time, it causes me to freak out, can’t even wear an oxygen mask. With that said, even if I could, I wouldn’t. I think since the mask available to the public cause more harm then good. While it might stop the virus at first, it is laying on top of the material, and the more you breath through that mask, the more likely you will breathe in the virus. Not to mention anything else floating out there. I will continue to do what I have always done through flu season, is that if someone coughs or sneezes within 8 feet of me, I will exhale and turn away from the person or direction of the cough or sneeze and walk away. It has worked for me the last 8 years and God willing it work for as long as I need it to work. May everyone stay healthy
There will be a vaccine. A vaccine, apart from helping the world, would be very lucrative to the companies that develop it. Plus if we can have a flu shot we can have a COVID vaccine, it’s not that different of a scenario.

As for the rest of your post, kids will probably go back to school at some point.

I’m leaving it to the Protestant churches to figure out how they will cope. Keeping their churches running is not my responsibility. I will direct my concern to the Catholics. If a mostly unmarried clergy turns out to be a blessing in disguise for us here, then that’s a lesson.

Sports will probably find some way to chug along. The teams are already selling a ton of branded masks.

IDK about “the arts”, it’s always seemed to me to be an iffy business even in good times and dependent on a lot of donations, grants etc. I presume they will get more donations and more grants and probably take a bit of an economic hit till this is over.

I’m really not sure why anyone would decide that the US and “much of the rest of the world” would be “gone” from this. Europe went through umpteen massive plagues, and the USA went through a large number of deadly epidemics in just the 250 years it’s been in existence. The world didn’t end and society didn’t come to a screeching halt in either case.
We trust , adapt, learn to live differently. Or like dinosaurs we die out. A simple choice.
Surely you don’t believe that we’ll ‘die out’ if if COVID continues to spread? The vast majority of people who contract it do not die, and eventually we would develop herd immunity. Obviously just allowing the virus to spread like wildfire and sacrificing the elderly and vulnerable is not a viable solution, but locking ourselves away indefinitely isn’t sustainable either and many people are suffering because of it.
You are misreading /misunderstanding what I said. I have lost a loved one too and I am nearly 80 and in isolation.

We must accept the current status is my point. Stop “kicking against the pricks.” Glean what we can. Our lives are going to be affected by covid for a very long time and some aspects will be changed for ever.

We will die spiritually if we refuse to accept that. And we need to think much more about helping others to cope. To alleviate isolation which in turn will heal us.

A lot of what is being called " mental health issues" is simply our minds learning to adapt to change, A normal and healthy process.

we see over here so much kindness and goodness coming through and that is healing and life.

We can choose where we look and how we react.

This is a testing and a terrible time for all of us. We can endure and grow. We can be deeply thankflu for all we have and are. l
Surely you don’t believe that we’ll ‘die out’ if if COVID continues to spread? The vast majority of people who contract it do not die, and eventually we would develop herd immunity. Obviously just allowing the virus to spread like wildfire and sacrificing the elderly and vulnerable is not a viable solution, but locking ourselves away indefinitely isn’t sustainable either and many people are suffering because of it.
This is where I am at, too. i agree with you that this is not sustainable. I am more and more leaning towards thinking that this shutdown is a plot to make Pres. Trump’s economy collapse and win the day for the Democrat “We’re Your Daddy and Mommy State”. Yuck.

Every day, I hate wearing “The Mask” more and more. I have developed three eye infections since I started wearing this stupid-butted mask at work and in public places. Coincidence? I think not! What else could be causing it?! Wearing a mask the forces me to breathe out the top of the mask right into my eyes–and the whole reason we wear the mask is because supposedly viruses are carried through the moisture in our breath–and there my eyes are, receiving all that wet breath filled with microorganism! EUUGH! I HATE IT!!!

And it’s not like I can wash my eyes out with soap and water every half hour or so!

The first infection back in March required antibiotics. The second one cleared up by itself–it never got real serious. But this current infection is awful–my right eye is almost swollen shut and it hurts and I have a hard time doing my work or seeing my computer screen or reading or typing. Thankfully I have a doctor appt. this morning (day off–have to work this weekend–unless I am told by the doc to STAY HOME with my drippy, swollen eye!) I look like the Phantom of the Opera–the one with Lon Chaney, Sr.

But if I have to stay home, then the idiotic “furlough policy” that my hospital enacted weeks ago would implode–we only had three people in our dept yesterday and usually we have six. And yet, the COVID Command Center in our hospital decided two weeks ago that it would be OK for the hospital to start doing elective procedures again. Um…hey CCC–you forgot that the lab is still drastically UNDERSTAFFED due to your “Furlough Policy.”!!! I thought getting exhausted (and getting eye infections) makes us more vulnerable to catching COVID-19!!

Sigh. We really need this cancellation of Life in the U.S.A. to end. Soon. Now.
A lot of what is being called " mental health issues" is simply our minds learning to adapt to change, A normal and healthy process.
Some “minds”–I would say quite a few “minds” are not healthy enough to “learn to adapt to change” without a very dangerous struggle that doesn’t always end well for the person with the weaker, unhealthier, sadder mind.

There are several reports out that death by suicide is greater than death by COVID over the last three months of “shutdown.”

Not everyone is capable of “choosing where we look and how we react.” For some people, their mental and emotional state was already fragile or damaged before the pandemic, and the current situation where all of their “safety nets” have been taken away is making them worse. They aren’t mentally/emotionally strong and healthy like you are, and instead of making wise and life-enhancing choices, they makes foolish and dangerous choices. OR… they withdraw into their own selves and stop living life.

I have a friend who has lived in a housing project for the mentally-ill for decades. (We met in college before her schizophrenia started to take over her life.) Over the decades, I have come to know many of her friends in the facility. This is a terrible terrible time for them. Not only are they more vulnerable to the disease because of their physical condition and the strong meds that they have been taking for years, but they are also more susceptible to episodes of anger, despair, depression, addiction, hyperactivity, paranoia, and delusions.

One group of health care workers that I have yet to see praised is those who are responsible for caring for those with mental and emotional illnesses during this time. These people do not “get better and go home.” Many of them, especially older ones like my friend, do not HAVE a home to go to-their relatives have either abandoned them, or are long dead.

I love spending time with my friend, but it is exhausting for me to access her moods and go with whatever she is experiencing on any given day. I cannot imagine how the counselors and administrators are doing throughout this shutdown.

My friend and her community have not been allowed to see people “from the community” (like me) since the start of the “shelter-in-place”. They are no longer allowed to take walks or go anywhere–they are now shopping “online” with the help of the staff.

Pray for them and those who take care of them.

And there are a lot of people (e.g., my husband) who are not in a shelter for the emotionally-ill, but they are still more fragile than others. My husuband has been on meds for depression for years, and this Shelter-In-Place is awful for him. He just doesn’t have the emotional strength to “stop kicking against the pricks.”
Your last sentence says so much. If we allow the virus to spread then life is literally cancelled for thousands more. We do not have that right. Talking about " herd immunity" is the same. Look at the state the UK is in as they tried that. Any hardship is worth it to save lives. Just hang on in there.
Your last sentence says so much. If we allow the virus to spread then life is literally cancelled for thousands more. We do not have that right. Talking about " herd immunity" is the same. Look at the state the UK is in as they tried that. Any hardship is worth it to save lives. Just hang on in there.
Back in the early days of the United States, many people in the East lived in crowded cities and eeked out a living.

So many decided to pack up and go west. Many died on the journey. But that didn’t stop a constant flow of people from attempting the journey. The dream of living a “large” life made the risks worth it. And people were coming the United States from all over the world to seek this large life–they, too, were willing to die to be free.

During the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, all of us were rightly willing to remain under cover to protect ourselves and others.

Those of us who kept our jobs–and there were many of us–kind of enjoyed going to work, then coming home to a cooking dinner or picking up take-out, and either doing long-delayed projects or thinking about those projects while we plopped down and binge-watched DVD sets that still had their cellophane wrappers.

But…those who lost their jobs because of the shutdown of the economy have not had such a happy time of it.

They’ve swallowed their pride as they paid bills with unemployment checks and stood in line at food pantries, remembering that only a few months earlier, they donated vanloads of groceries to those pantries.

Those who owned their own businesses were especially hard-hit because they had to let their beloved employees go. Many paid their employees out of their own savings–until the money ran out.

These people have listened to the non-stop “news” stories about COVID-19 and have decided to ignore the fuzzy-wuzzy emotional “spin” and instead, consider the facts:. about 2-3 percent of people who catch COVID-19 die. Most people who catch COVID-19 do NOT die and many experience only a flu-like illness and fully recover in a few weeks. Some are even symptom-free.

They have decided that they are willing to face the dangers of COVID-19 just like families faced the dangers of moving West or immigrating to the United States. They would rather put themselves and their families in danger than lose their jobs, their businesses, and their freedom.

That’s the way we have always done things in the United States. It’s only been in recent years, with the upbrining of the so called I-Gen (they’ve never lived without an I-Phone) that we are more concerned with “safety” than living a full life. Parents are arrested for letting their children walk to a neighborhood park or even play in their yard. Teenagers are delaying learning to drive until they are 18 or older. Many teens don’t DO anything, but spend most of their waking hours online on their tiny phones, living a two-inch life.

It’s no wonder everyone is so terrifed of a virus. We’re not terrified of dying–we’re terrified of living.

I say it’s time we saddle up the horses and get moving “West” again.
about 2-3 percent of people who catch COVID-19 d
No, a certain percentage of those whom we test die. That percentage is high now, because our testing has been so limited.

Now that we are testing a wider group of people, we are finding those cases which were previously undiscovered, so the percentage of deaths to (known) cases will go down.

A very small percentage of people are in danger of death from this virus and we know who most of them are: older and with other health issues.
living a two-inch life .
👍 Good way to put that!
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No, a certain percentage of those whom we test die. That percentage is high now, because our testing has been so limited.

Now that we are testing a wider group of people, we are finding those cases which were previously undiscovered, so the percentage of deaths to (known) cases will go down.

A very small percentage of people are in danger of death from this virus and we know who most of them are: older and with other health issues.
All true! Thanks! Yes, in Illinois, our percentage of positive tests is now at 9% tested = positive. A month ago, it was around 18%, but now that more people are tested, the percentage is way down.

It will never be zero. That’s something that we all need to accept and live with. Heck, we still get at least one positive malaria case a year in Northern Illinois (hematology department in our lab sees it on the CBC)–and not just for people who just got back from a foreign country! It’s still around!
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Peeps, if you’re having trouble with your mask, look into getting a model that has better ventilation. Some of them have a vent valve to keep the mask cooler and help with the airflow issue you mentioned, which is also helpful for those of us who don’t want our glasses fogging up from the mask.
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