Catholic view (transubstantiation), as I understand it:
Similar to what happened in the Bible when angels appeared as men, as in Genesis 18 and 19 and Heb 13:2. Even though they behaved like men, they were not really men but angels in disguise.
After the bread and wine are consecrated at Mass, Jesus is present under the appearance of bread and wine. Even though it still looks and acts like bread and wine, it is not really bread and wine but Jesus, the true God-man, in disguise.
In essence, Jesus is one person with two natures, a divine nature and a human nature, who can appear as bread and wine.
Lutheran view (consubstatiation), as I understand it:
Similar to what happened in the Incarnation when God the Son assumed a human nature becoming Jesus, true God and true man.
After the consecration of the bread and wine, Jesus, at least temporarily, assumes the nature of bread and wine so what is present during communion is true God and true man and true bread and true wine.
In essence, Jesus is one person with four natures: divine, human, bread and wine.
Similar to what happened in the Bible when angels appeared as men, as in Genesis 18 and 19 and Heb 13:2. Even though they behaved like men, they were not really men but angels in disguise.
After the bread and wine are consecrated at Mass, Jesus is present under the appearance of bread and wine. Even though it still looks and acts like bread and wine, it is not really bread and wine but Jesus, the true God-man, in disguise.
In essence, Jesus is one person with two natures, a divine nature and a human nature, who can appear as bread and wine.
Lutheran view (consubstatiation), as I understand it:
Similar to what happened in the Incarnation when God the Son assumed a human nature becoming Jesus, true God and true man.
After the consecration of the bread and wine, Jesus, at least temporarily, assumes the nature of bread and wine so what is present during communion is true God and true man and true bread and true wine.
In essence, Jesus is one person with four natures: divine, human, bread and wine.