Severely deformed unborn child

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I think if they “remove” the child now that would equate an abortion.

If the child isn’t going to make it, then let it die naturally on its own. I know it would be tough for her to carry the baby to term knowing that it will be stillborn, but I don’t really see any other option.

But what if this lady delivers her brainless baby and dies of, say, seizures and aspiration from eclampsia? Will it have been worth it?
Myrterdom is always worth it.
If the woman dies in deliverance it is God’s will and her cross to bear. Like the above poster said: Martyrdom is always worth it.
this same thing, alas happened to my sister. We were counciled to wait until a child would be able to be born early and survive, aware that obvously this child would not survive. we were told this was akin to allowing death to come to a person on loife support.

probably worng but that is what i was told.
oh yeah, also, the child died before we were able to get futher information on the ethical situation, so it ws moot.
oh yeah, also, the child died before we were able to get futher information on the ethical situation, so it ws moot.
Incredibly sad, either way.:crying: I am sorry for your sister’s loss, and yours, as well.
People can die at any time for any reason – if it’s her time just after delivery of a stillborn baby, then it would have been her time had she aborted it a few months earlier – God has a plan for each of our lives and we have to trust him with that.
It makes one wonder about the sense of modern sonograms. God created this child in the night of the womb, and the child would be loved and carried as long as God intended had not the sonogram been seen. What did this introduce but months of worry and angst, temptation and possible sin?
This seems like the kind of case where the procedure of early induction might rightly and morally be used – IF there was a danger to the life of the mother by carrying full term. Of course, you wouldn’t do this at 4 months but if the child reached a point where it could be considered viable, then it would be a possibilty. It sounds like the baby would have more of a chance of being born alive, if it was born early. For a Catholic, this might be critical, since that would allow the parents the abilty to have the baby Baptized - not to mention say a dignified, loving goodbye. If such a course of action were taken, any medical care that would normally be given to a premature baby would probably be given.

The thing is that this course of action wouldn’t be different if the baby was “normal”. To induce early, after viability, to save the mother can be done when the baby is not so seriously disabled.

The value of the life is not less just because the life will be short.
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