No, this is not St. Alphonsus’s position. I want to say that I have studied St. Alphonsus’s positions and
they are not the positions given on Ron Conte’s website. Rather, acts are classified as pollution begun, proximate danger of pollution, danger of pollution, somewhat more remote danger of pollution, and no danger of pollution. Father Chad pretty much has the correct position regarding what St. Alphonsus believed:
Tradition has been against
“undue modes of copulation”: that is, intercourse other than sexual intercourse, regardless of where in the body that intercourse takes place (excluding a mere application of a hand or foot). Because a hand or foot is not “intercourse,” this can even be done in a manner of stimulation (but only before arousal).
St. Alphonsus allowed manual stimulation on the husband for the purpose of attaining arousal to then immediately perform sexual intercourse (but no manual stimulation on the husband after he attains arousal since this would be at least danger of pollution, if not proximate danger of pollution). Manual stimulation is also permitted on the wife to be able to attain arousal, but not to attain climax before intercourse, since foreplay was only permitted as preparation for the act (to pursue arousal). Also, St. JPII also says you should aim to pursue climax during intercourse, not before intercourse (St. JPII says you should pursue it at the same time as well). The final consideration is that you must stay outside of the female vessel (“vas”) and never go into the “vas.”
As far as other details. St. Alphonsus considers it to be unjust moderation to use touches that are not needed for copulation, but only for pleasure (say if you could have attained arousal by passionate kissing but instead used genital touches). St. Alphonsus also considers it to be a slight venial sin to engage in sexual positions where the man is not on top. He does not consider these to be wrong because they are “unnatural,” but only because they are slightly hedonistic (since sexual intercourse is already extremely pleasurable).
Also, this was the liberal position of 1500-1700. Conservatives at that time considered any unnatural position, without grave cause, to be a mortal sin. These theories are incorrect because they did not understand that sex positions are not related to procreation (except perhaps to sperm retention, a long discussion for another time).
However, St. Alphonsus’s position that the wrong sex position is “unjust moderation” should not be immediately discarded. No Pope has defined what “just moderation” means, so his position should be considered along with modern theologians who generally do not consider any sex position to be hedonistic.
As far as what you are permitted to do after the sexual intercourse (on the wife), if the wife fails to reach climax during intercourse, St. Alphonsus does not consider it to be intrinsically evil to pursue female climax after sexual intercourse
as long as the husband is still engaged in the act.