Sexual Desire Question

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I’d like to see a non anecdotal source for this. You are likely to believe this because the people with whom you engage are heavily skewed toward that conclusion.
I think, for a variety of reasons, women are just less likely to talk about their sexual desires than men are. Doesn’t mean they don’t experience them.
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Quick question for everyone. If someone possesses a strong level of sexual desire, for a prolonged period of time, do you think it is God’s will for them to eventually enter into the state of marriage? I ask this question out of personal curiosity, and curiosity about god’s plan for people in general.

I’m someone who has struggled with masturbation issues for about 15 years now. When I say “struggle”, I mean that I can typically get through anywhere from 2 weeks to a month clean, . . .

Instead, I’m just curious what people think. Since my sexual desire is so strong, and has been for so long, do you take it as a sign that god intends for me to eventually find a wife, even if I’m not ready yet? Also, if I wasn’t meant to have a spouse, wouldn’t my sexual desires have diminished by now, . . . I know that we all have our crosses we have to carry, but would god really permit me to go my whole adult life continually feeling this urge, only to never have it fulfilled?

Again, I’m not trying to make this about my sexual sin struggles. I really do wish to stop sinning, and have been very active with the sacraments to attain purity. I just hope it’s not a case of “God does plan for you to have a wife, but not until you develop enough self-control”. If that’s the case, then I feel like I will never get to that point, and thus never get to be married. . . . .

I thank anyone in advance who chooses to respond.
Read 1 Corinthians chapter 7.
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