Sexual Ethics

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reading some of your other posts I’m led to believe your just trying to stir up trouble.
How did you come to that conclusion?

If you’re referring to my posts about Islam, then I’m sorry that you dislike the fact that I disagree that Jesus was not crucified and moved to Kashmir.

And by the way, all of my posts on this forum have been genuine. I’ve got better things to do then start trouble on an Internet forum. I have got a life.

And in the future, if you have any problems with what I’ve written, then send me a private message.
If any of the moderators on here think that my intentions are to stir up trouble then please delete my posts. I don’t want to cause trouble; I’ve received some great help and advice by people on this forum.
However, when I discussed this with family they all said that I sound like a ‘bible basher’ and that I shouldn’t talk like that in public because people would I was wierd. Has anyone else experienced something like this?
People will condemn you for being judge mental and all sorts of things. The way I’ve learned to teach others about my religion is to be an example. Rather than trying to convince people that are not open minded or not ready, doesn’t help. Let time pass, and when they see how your life is actually very successful they might want to model it.
  1. I have a problem with the teaching on masturbation. I have tried to quit in the past but I kept having nocturnal emissions and they were a real pain. I always thought that this was a natural practice that helped relieve excess tension.
Are there any people here who have quit and experienced no negative reactions? (Such as nocturnal emissions and decreased libido)
I was addicted to masturbation until about two years ago. Nocturnal emissions are incredibly annoying, especially for one that shares a room with two younger brothers. You’ll find ways to cope with it though. While there are times when I have a decreased sexual desire, trust me…it doesn’t go away, and it doesn’t take much at all before you’re back to square one.

The idea that the body ejaculates to relieve tension is a myth.
  1. The teaching on contraception is really problematic for me. It’s hard enough finding the right girl anyway without having to add this on top. Most of the women I know would consider me a freak if I said that I didn’t believe in contraception. A recent pole said that 96% of Catholics use contraception. However, I will not re-join the church unless I stop condoning contraception.
Are their any married couples on here who have NEVER used contraception? Could you share your experiences and give me any advice on how to find a girl that doesn’t believe in contraception?
I think that statistic is a bit off…by at least 50%. Most likely that is due to the common misunderstanding of the Churches stance and NFP. The Catholic Church is against all forms of artificial contraception (and avoiding having children for selfish reasons). NFP is a practice of finding a womans fertile periods so that:

a) You can get pregnant easier.

b) If you need to prolong pregnancy for any serious reason (cannot afford to feed another child / health issues ect.).

My mother used to have about a 2 year spacing between each child in my family. She called it her ‘sanity spacing’. 😃
  1. Another thing is sex before marriage. If I told a girl that I didn’t want to have sex before marriage the she would think I was a freak, and my friends would most likely question my sexuality.
The purpose of this thread is to find out what PRACTICING Catholics think about these issues. I would like to know how you manage to follow these teachings, and also of any problems that you have faced as a result.

Like I said, this is my only problem with the church so any advice offered and experiences shared would be greatly appreciated.
In my experience women tend to respect saving yourself for marriage far more then men. But that’s really beside the point. You can’t allow what others will think determine how you will live your life. Truth is rarely convenient, just because people don’t like it doesn’t change the reality. You have to decide for yourself, and not allow what some women may think of you to control your life.
However, when I discussed this with family they all said that I sound like a ‘bible basher’ and that I shouldn’t talk like that in public because people would I was wierd. Has anyone else experienced something like this?

I think in the future I will keep my views to myself because they wouldn’t understand anyway.
The truth about our sexuality is what people want to hear least. Many of us have closed our hearts to the truth. Sometimes the best you can do is to just be a living example of that truth. If others notice it, they might then be interested in listening and discussing it with you. But you’re not going to get through to anyone who refuses to hear.
However, when I discussed this with family they all said that I sound like a ‘bible basher’ and that I shouldn’t talk like that in public because people would I was wierd. Has anyone else experienced something like this?

I think in the future I will keep my views to myself because they wouldn’t understand anyway.
Yes, no one likes to be told stuff they don’t want to hear. It’s about a process of education though don’t you think? I mean the reading you’ve done is the tip of the iceberg and even now, though you may only have internalise a little of the teaching, you are looking at things differently and understanding things in a deeper way.

The trick is putting it in to practice. So many people around me (non-Catholics) want to know how I maintain such an amazing relationship with my wife. Over the years I have found ways of gently introducing them to the beauty of Catholic teaching in this way.
Having read Humane Vitae and JPII’s Theology of the Body I can understand why the Church teaches what it does.
I don’t know about anybody else, but I came away with the feeling that the Church really respects the dignity of sex between husband and wife.
The belief that sex is sacred really hit me when I read the documents.
The teaching on contraception really made sense, even if it is a hard teaching to follow, I can see the benefits. Most people these day’s treat sex as a pastime, and not the sacred union that it is.
It’s amazing how much sense The Church makes isn’t it? 😃 I know the exact feeling too. After I read those I felt the same way. It finally answered so many questions and gave me a response when people asked my why HMC teaches what She does.
However, when I discussed this with family they all said that I sound like a ‘bible basher’ and that I shouldn’t talk like that in public because people would I was wierd. Has anyone else experienced something like this?
I think in the future I will keep my views to myself because they wouldn’t understand anyway.
My family and friends don’t understand my loathing of contraception either, but I’m very lucky in that they all respect it. It’s a common thing around here for us to joke about marrying each other’s friends; “Rawb, you’re so stupid! Haha, I’m gonna have to marry you!” etc. and now I juse repsond: “Talk to me when you’re Catholic and not using contraception”. My friends do think I’m crazy and some think I’ll “come to my senses” once I’m actually married and start having sex (they all know I don’t have pre-marital sex too), but I pray that they’re the ones who come to their senses.
Are there any people here who have quit and experienced no negative reactions? (Such as nocturnal emissions and decreased libido)
Well, I’m a woman so some may say it’s easier for us 😉 But for me it wasn’t that hard. I went through a phase where I masturbated, yes, in my early 20s. But I pretty much totally stopped it again.
I remember having a sexual dream recently. I actually told a priest about it. He didn’t seem to think that was a sin. It was a dream, after all. And that priest did say sexuality WAS a part of life.
  1. Another thing is sex before marriage.
I don’t know how common this is, but at age 32, I really have never had sex. I think I would feel very guilty if I did. maybe here scrupulosity is actually an advantage? 😉 But, you know, I feel very very blessed too because… sex is just not very important to me. Maybe because I have accepted it as something I am staying away from.
Also, it frees up so much energy to do good things… volunteer, lead a smiple life… haha like a nun a little bit, just not quite.😉
If I told a girl that I didn’t want to have sex before marriage the she would think I was a freak
Some may, others may actually admire you?

I don’t really mind being a freak anymore, and I guess I am in some ways, not just sexuality. 😉 😉

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