Sexual Harassment

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Yes, when I was working in the business world, I have been sexually harassed by women dressing like prostitutes and coming to work that way. Disgraceful.
Jeane -

Call the university police and admin and report these people! Reporting this criminal act will protect other young women.

Praying for you!

Is this harassment? I work for a research consulting firm. Every time I have visited a particular university over the past two months, I have received “cat-calls” by the same two male technicians in the animal facility. They make repeated comments about how much I weigh, make “mooing” sounds when I walk by, ask me what my bra size is, comments like that.

Yesterday, one of the technicians stepped into the doorway as I was trying to get exit a room. He reached down and firmly grabbed both my breasts, then said “not enough there to get worked up over.”

I have reported the incident to my supervisor and to the supervisors of the animal facility. They said if it bothers me that much, to file a complaint with EOC, but it wasn’t a big deal.

This incident involved a man who was not supervisory or senior to me. So is it harassment? Should I report it? I don’t know what to do, trying to morally stay within what a Catholic woman should do.
This is harassment and you should report it. You’ll note in my post that I was talking about things like wallpaper and off-color jokes. I should clarify that what I was more or less referring to was the occasional off-color joke. Anything that becomes persistent makes the workplace a hostile environment and you should definitely report these issues to the personnel dept of your company. They should have someone assigned to handle sexual harassment reports. If they are not helpful, contact your city or state govt. If you have a union, I would contact them FIRST. They will absolutely assist you in getting your case heard.

I work for a personnel division for a major city and I can tell you that we would take this behaviour very seriously. In fact, you could even have a criminal case here since you have been sexually assaulted.

As a Catholic woman I would say one of the things we are morally bound to do is do our best to protect ourselves from indignity and by reporting this issue you will be not only protecting yourself, but other women as well. I will pray for you that you will be heard and that this will resolve itself speedily and that those men will learn to value the dignity of both themselves and you.

God bless you!
Faithful 2 Rome:
Somebody grabbed your breasts, made comments and you dont think its a big deal?
I think Jeanne was saying that her supervisor thought it was no big deal. Read it again. I think it’s just a misplaced comma.
I can take or tell a dirty joke with the best of them. I don’t think being told I look good that day is sexual harrassment.

However, in the one experience that I had, a supervisor of mine brought me back in the office and tried forcing my head down to make it look like I was performing orally on him as a joke. He got slapped, and I got fired for assault. It was a high school job, and I didn’t care enough to file suit for wrongful dismissal, but I have to say I have never felt so violated in my life.

So yes sexual harrasment is a REAL thing.
No, what you described was not sexual harassment. It was SEXUAL ASSAULT and you absolutely should report it to the university police. What you describe is classic escalation that happens when the offender starts small, gets away with his behavior, and escalates–getting more offensive in what he tries. It will not stop, until you call a stop to it. It will only get worse. And if not to you, then to someone else. For the sake of other women who come into contact with this animal, you need to do something. (It may well be that he has had other complaints too.) Heaven forbid, if he rapes a woman! No one should ever touch your body without your permission. He needs some consequences for his behavior. And DO NOT feel the least bit guilty when he suffers the appropriate consequences for his behavior.
Is this harassment? I work for a research consulting firm. Every time I have visited a particular university over the past two months, I have received “cat-calls” by the same two male technicians in the animal facility. They make repeated comments about how much I weigh, make “mooing” sounds when I walk by, ask me what my bra size is, comments like that.

Yesterday, one of the technicians stepped into the doorway as I was trying to get exit a room. He reached down and firmly grabbed both my breasts, then said “not enough there to get worked up over.”

I have reported the incident to my supervisor and to the supervisors of the animal facility. They said if it bothers me that much, to file a complaint with EOC, but it wasn’t a big deal.

This incident involved a man who was not supervisory or senior to me. So is it harassment? Should I report it? I don’t know what to do, trying to morally stay within what a Catholic woman should do.
Yes, this is harassment. Harassment does not have to be supervisor/subordinate, peer-to-peer unwanted attention is also harassment. Specifically, hostile work environment. It is illegal and no one has a right to treat you as such. The supervisors are clearly ignorant of the law and their responsibility.

File a formal complaint, in writing, to your Human Resources department. Name names (including your supervisors who did nothing), dates, specifics. Demand that the hostile work environment cease immediately and demand a reply in writing. If Human Resources does nothing-- or if there is any form of retaliation (retaliation is also illegal)-- sue them.
Yesterday, one of the technicians stepped into the doorway as I was trying to get exit a room. He reached down and firmly grabbed both my breasts, then said “not enough there to get worked up over.”
This is sexual assault in my state. I’d have him arrested.
Is sexual harassment a real occurrence, or a product of the “radical feminist agenda?” I will tell you why I ask later, but first I want to find out the Catholic opinion is.
What is the definition of sexual harassment for the purposes of this poll? When the term was first brought to the fore, it was used to describe situations where sexual contact was requested/demanded by someone in a position of power, i.e., supervisor, manager, professor, etc. in return for promotions, grades, favorable performance reviews, blackmail or the like.

Now it seems that sexual harassment is used to descibe any situation, i.e., hostile work environment, in which the perceived spector of sex may possibly make someone feel “uncomfortable”. Examples would include a supervisor demanding a date in return for a pay raise. Now it can include racy calendars hanging in someone’s work station or someone overhearing a racy joke.
truth be known…most women enjoy being harassed

if women don’t want to be “harassed” then they shouldn’t work with men.
Tom of Assisi:
truth be known…most women enjoy being harassed

if women don’t want to be “harassed” then they shouldn’t work with men.
I’m sorry if this sounds dim-witted, but you are being sarcastic, right?
Tom of Assisi:
truth be known…most women enjoy being harassed

if women don’t want to be “harassed” then they shouldn’t work with men.
Wow. That is one of the most insulting and ignorant statements I’ve heard yet. I hope I never have to work with you. In fact, I hope I never encounter you on the street. If you think that I would enjoy nasty comments and unsolicited groping, then I’m sure you would enjoy a swift kick in the groin. :mad:

BTW Jeane, I was reading an article in a local paper this morning. Apparently fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct is defined as “inappropriate touching without penetration”. Talk to the police.
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I just read in a local paper this morning that fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct is defined as “inappropriate touching without penetration”. You should at least file a complaint with the police so that they have it on record if it keeps happening.
And don’t let them (the police) drop the ball saying “well, nothing really happened”. Similar situation happened to me in July of 1991, and I did report it to the police (and ended up with a very unprofessional officer taking the report). I saw the face of my attacker again in the paper a few months later as the assailant in a more vicious assault against a 12yo girl.

Sexual harassment is real, and a very real problem. The behavior the OP was subjected to is criminal, and should be treated as such, and don’t take “well nothing really happened” for an answer.
I agree absolutely, Jeane should call the police about her assault.

However, there is another side to sexual harassment that no one has mentioned. My husband was once fired on a trumped up accusation of harassment. A young co-worker kept trying to get him to pay attention to her and to loan her money, and when he refused, she claimed he grabbed her. He was fired with no investigation at all being done, just on her say-so. Political correctness run amok . . . I hear this frequently happens to guys, since many businesses and universities are so touchy about accusations of harassment that they just fire people without investigation.
We must remember not to leap to conclusions.
Thanks for the comments. My problem is that I’m not confrontational (at barely 5 foot tall, it’s tough to be!), and really try to be a peacemaker. I was teased alot and even beat up in high school by bullies and, though I reported them, nothing ever came of it and it always made the problems worse.

I filed the complaint with the university’s EO and compliance office. They said the penalty is automatic termination of employment. The guy in question has a wife and a child, not sure how exactly old but less than a year. They gave me a week to think about if I want to unemploy a man with a family to support - exactly what they told me.
gaib said:
Based only on a strict thumbs up thumbs down for your question, I’d be forced to concede that there is sexual harassment. However, most issues of sexual harassment are most likely connived notions of inter office politicking. In my factory, I have had to institute a males only policy to negate the effects of sexual harassment. I mean if there are no chicks around, how can the boys harass anyone?

what planet are you from? the more in your face the gay rights lobby gets, the more the brakes are off from overtly homosexual trolling in the workplace, if you have not heard complaints you are lucky so far but you had better institute training and a policy before it happens, because when, not if, it does you are the one who will be sued
I filed the complaint with the university’s EO and compliance office. They said the penalty is automatic termination of employment. The guy in question has a wife and a child, not sure how exactly old but less than a year. They gave me a week to think about if I want to unemploy a man with a family to support - exactly what they told me.
That is outrageously manipulative of them. The guy’s family status has nothing to do with the issue. Was it a woman who told you that? File.
Sexual harassment is not just for women any more. I get offended by some comments some women make in my office.
It sure does go both ways, but do you notice on TV how very, very specific the insults about men (from women) are?
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