Sexual trouble (recently married)

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My wife and I are having trouble sexually and it’s taking a toll on our marriage already. We waited until marriage to have sex and we have been married for about four months. I have not been able to have sex with her, except for one time the day after our marriage and this one time wasn’t much. As a man who has been waiting for sex his whole life, it’s a real struggle. We have talked and she has even cried about it. She wants to do it but when the time comes she gets too scared. Then she waits several days or weeks to try again because she feels depressed every time she doesn’t do it for me. I would hate to do this because I do love her and she is trying, but if she refuses to get help and doesn’t have sex with me for let’s say another 8 months, is this grounds for an annulment? I want kids and a large Catholic family, but I fear that we will never have sex. Furthermore, its making it hard to not sin through sexual fantasy, ect.
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First, I would recommend that she see a doctor in order to rule out any physical issue and maybe get some advice on how to relax.

Second, if no medical problem, then the two of you should seek some counseling help with this issue. It would be best if you saw a Catholic therapist with expertise in this area. Perhaps your priest or your diocese can recommend someone.

For annulment issues you would need to speak to your priest.
You are only just married. Put all thoughts of giving up and getting an annulment out of your mind. This is the time to have some maturity and put your wife first.

Firstly I would say don’t pressure her for anything sexual. It is a big, big change going from chastity to a full-on sexual relationship and she may just need some time to adjust. I agree with Tis_Bearself that she should see a doctor in case there is a physical issue, and it would be a good idea for you and her to get some counseling together. I would be concerned about her feeling depressed and scared over sex.
Thanks. I do not want to get an annulment. I just fear that this problem will persist and I will be stuck in a sexless marriage with no children. I have told her about the free checkups with my health insurance that she is now on but she hasn’t gone. Perhaps I should put more effort into trying to get her to go.
Try to encourage her, gently. She may feel very embarrassed about discussing it but ultimately it will be best for her to rule anything out. And I would encourage both of you to get yourselves to marriage counseling.

I’m wishing you the very best of luck.
You may want to get a good Catholic counselor to help you sort this out. One thing to consider is that women don’t typically want their husband to just jump on top of them. They usually require getting in the mood and getting to know one another physically before they are ready. Is it possible you are trying to skip that part? That’s about all the advice I’ve got, other than getting checked at the doctor.
eventually things will turn around
This is an unrealistic expectation. Four months is a long enough time that the wife should be making progress toward getting used to sex, at the very least. This is clearly not happening.

OP, I would absolutely encourage you to encourage your wife to get checked out physically and then receive appropriate counseling if needed. Your wife obviously isn’t happy with the situation, either, so the kindest and most loving thing to do is to ADDRESS THE PROBLEM rather than smiling and pretending that it doesn’t exist.

I seriously doubt that you’re skipping straight to penetration without foreplay, based on your post, but certainly you should together work out how to make each other happy in bed. This cannot happen, however, unless your wife is willing to actually try to address her issues in a productive manner, and not just wring her hands over how frustrated she’s making you.
I’m sorry. Seriously.
Has she told you WHY she gets scared? Or what she is scared of?

If there is no real reason for it (nothing physical or something in her background emotionally) - I wonder if it’s because she fears she isn’t good enough, can’t please you, doesn’t ‘know’ how to do certain things or if she is doing it ‘right’? All silly things to worry about, but I’m a female and I understand. 🙂 Don’t give up and don’t think annulment… marriage is much, much more than sex. And sex can be learned and improved. Find out WHY she is scared. And go from there.
I agree with first seeking a medical opinion to rule out any physical issues. I will say lot of the issues around sex are really psychological. I think the difficulty that Catholics and other Christians have is that we have been wrongly taught the tenants of our faith that pertain to sex to the point we have made sex taboo and this sort of dirty thing to be avoided. Rather if you look at the teachings yourself, particularly Pope John Paul II’s writings, sex is a beautiful thing given to us by God, and those who are united before God in marriage are encouraged to be “fruitful and multiply.” Sex is a good thing in and of itself. The reason the Church prescribes that it be done in a marital context is because that is the only context that the sacredness of sex itself is respected and maintained. The dignity of both persons is recognized. It seems like your wife might be facing some sort psychological trauma possibly from an experience herself or having been wrongly taught that sex is a dirty and taboo thing which unfortunately plagues a lot of Catholics. If you read the teachings yourself you will find nothing wrong with them but upon reflection more often than not you will that the Church teachings have been wrongly taught and applied. I highly recommend reading John Paul’s theology of the body and Love Matters. He is perhaps the most insightful pope and author into the human experience. We often scoff at the idea that priest know anything about sex however we must remember that priests are often the people that are often told the things couples don’t tell or struggle to tell to their spouse so sometimes a priest may know more about the marriage than the couple themselves. I would suggest talking to priest that you trust and that you believe can be insightful on these matters. Talk to the priest together but also separately if need be. Understand that from a woman’s perspective sex is approached very differently given that at least at a sub-conscious level married women have this sense that their worth as a woman is tied to their ability to bear children and please their husbands similarly a man’s sense of worth is tied to his ability to protect and provide. This is just part of human evolutionary history (no I don’t believe in Darwin) and how God made us to an extent. However we can’t lose sight that you, your wife have inherent human dignity regardless of your ability to provide or her ability to have joyfully have sex and bare children. Relax and take comfort that God knows all your troubles, worries, hang ups and what’s causing them more than anybody. I highly recommend you to church when there is nobody there as a couple, stand before the altar and surrender your worries and everything to God (it all belongs to Him anyway) and trust in Him. Do not expect anything from this temporary life good, bad or otherwise other than for God to do things beyond your imagination.
Well, it sure is if they continue doing what they’re doing. That’s why she needs to get checked out and receive appropriate care, so that they can then begin to work on intimacy.
I have not been able to have sex with her, except for one time the day after our marriage and this one time wasn’t much.
Okay, well could it be that since you did have it one time, and it “wasn’t much” that you did something that scared her? I am not asking for specifics, just mentioning that for your wife, something is off. 4 months is a long time to be “scared.”

I am wondering how affectionate your wife was before you married, and again, I am mentioning this only for you to think about. If she was affectionate before, and is no longer open to hugging and cuddling together, perhaps she fears pregnancy.

None of us can speak for your wife. I agree with everyone that has recommended counseling. This should be addressed sooner than later.
She likes foreplay but the only time we had sex she didn’t enjoy it much and she seemed to be in pain. She does tell me she fears she can’t have kids because I want a large family. I think she is more scared of the pain and all than anything though. Its like right when it comes time to do it she panics. I am not sure if I hurt her bad the first time we did it or what. She was afraid the first time we did it but she eventually made herself do it.
Yup, time to visit the obgyn and then most probably a good therapist who can help her.
I’m sure the first time was painful…it usually is. Is she fearing that it will continue to be painful? If so, then she is tensing up which sort of assures the second time will be difficult, too. However, if she and you can take it very slowly, it shouldn’t be painful. I believe lubricants, as long as they aren’t spermicidal…are permitted. That can greatly help until she is able to relax and begin to enjoy it.

Continued pain isn’t normal and can be treated by an MD. Overcoming tenseness may need Counselling. Only you and she can answer these questions…I don’t need to know them. Please keep the discussions open with her. Perhaps one day you can laugh about it!
I agree with Pattylt.

I don’t agree with others, but if she really don’t want to see a doctor, then it’s better to avoid. Examinations can be more harm than good if they are not wished.
Or maybe see a health care provider, but then just to speak. A midwife may be a first easier solution for a woman.

I agree there is a problem that should be treated, but unfortunately people have not always this rationality with themselves. To blame them to not find a solution and push them to do this or that and involved professionals on such an intimate topic can be difficult.

She may have feel pain the first time, and the OP should not be felt guilty if it wasn’t his intention.
It may block her for others time.

I think they both put too much pression on themselves and they should stop thinking they would never have a normal sex life and never a large family. Goals like this and fear to fail them don’t help to relax. Yet not easy.

Have time sof intimacy (both emotional and physical) with not always the goal of having sex. And when the occasion occurs try to get it slowly and accept it may not happened this time, but it would finally happenened another time.

If she find a non jugemental counselor and accept to work with him it may be beneficial. Maybe for herself alone first, and then both of you.
Why do you think it would do “more harm than good” to be examined? There could be an anatomical issue, vaginismus, or other physical problem that may make sex difficult or painful. Most obgyns are women these days, and any decent obgyn will be careful and considerate and go slowly. If nothing else, physical issues can be ruled out, and an obgyn might even have a good therapist in mind who can help with sexual issues.

Nonsexual intimacy is important, and nonsexual touching is great. I certainly don’t think the OP should be dragging his wife to the bedroom! I just don’t get why a few posters think that backing off the subject is a good idea; this is clearly a distressing situation for everyone involved.
What are the chances that there is something wrong physically? I don’t think that is likely.
Going to the gyno is no fun the first time either! Especially if the doc is of a secular / feminist mindset, not sympathetic to her Catholic beliefs.
Well, if the OP’s wife has never been to the obgyn, then she really ought to go anyway to get checked out! I sympathize–I was very sensitive and found exams painful, so I made sure always to tell that to my doctor so that she would be extra careful. It made things more pleasant.

If a doctor starts imposing her own secular views on the patient, it’s time to get a new one. Docs aren’t supposed to do that.

What are the odds that something’s physically wrong? We don’t know. The obgyn would.
You don’t think that the average obgyn is ready to prescribe the pill and scold anyone who doesn’t use ABC?
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