Shocked by pregnancy test

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We tried to have a baby since we married, health problems included. First doctor said it would be very difficult, I got used to the idea it would be like that and maybe never happen. Some of you praying here for me were a real relief.
I got a positive test this morning.
I should be happy, but I’m scared to death.
Is this in any way normal?
My job is terminated until December, and we need it. I fear I won’t get a second when they know I’m pregnant. We just buyed a house and need every helping hand for the hard work.
It was just so unlikely to happen in this medicine condition that we didn’t count on it. I feel so guilty because I’m not as happy as I should be and that it happened in such financially difficult times.
Let the surprise (or shock) run its course and then let the joy come to you. While we weren’t in the exact situation many years ago, I do remember the anxious feelings when my wife told me the same thing. This was after doctors told us it just would t happen. It takes a bit to rebalance your lives, but all will work out.
congratulations, what a wonderful surprise. scared is normal for the first baby.
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Thank you. I told it a good friend of mine, and she was that happy and positive that I calmed a bit. My husband was also happy, but said with a blush something like “wow, to hear that in real is differnet than I imagined” - which is really not bad, I think he has also every right to need some time to relax with the thought.
I have no female family or friends in my near here, I think that scares me a bit.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Babies are what happen while you are busy making other plans! Do not worry, put your trust in God and he will carry you through. Some day, you will look back and see that this was actually God’s hand setting everything in your favor at this time in your life. It is okay to be afraid, it is a new experience, but do not spend your days thinking about “what ifs.” See a doctor, and take your vitamins!

May God bless you and your baby, and allow you to relax and enjoy this time of waiting and preparing.
Congratulations!! Yes it’s normal to be scared at first. I remember my husband just staring into space when I told him about our first, even though we’d been trying. (It went better the second time).

Give yourself a little time to wrap your mind around it. Also, I’ve found online pregnancy forums to be really helpful.
Thank you. ❤️
I called my doctor and got an appointment for next week, as it´s still too early to have a trustworthy ultrasound. I take my vitamines and decided to leave all the stress up to next week. I´m unsure wether I tell whom or not in this stage. If I hadn´t felt like I was given a big, big dose of morphium (constantly feeling fluffy and tired and strangely euphoric since the last week) I hadn´t noticed it.
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That little test result can be scary!

“This is real” hit me in the face.

For now, I will be happy for you and you can just let it sink in, okay?
I´m unsure wether I tell whom or not in this stage
I thought it was customary to wait 3 months before telling everyone. But to tell a trusted mother, sister or friend in the meantime.

Anyway, congratulations. Don’t stress, things will come. No need to worry.

I wouldn’t tell potential workplaces about it until you’re further along, unless there is some kind of risk to the baby involved.
Thank you, dear Little Lady, I´ll do so 😊 Thank you Cecilia, too. You are in my prayers!
I wonder if it starts feeling real at a certain point or not before I hopefully hold a child in my arms. My husband is nervous in his usual style and it doesn´t feel real for him, even less than for me (but he has of course not a body that shows him the symptoms) I hope he´ll start being truly happy soon.
It’s against the law for a company to refuse to hire a woman because she is pregnant, or to discharge a woman because she’s pregnant.
Thank you very much, CajunJoy. It´s calming to hear this, I´ll pray for all this issues 🙂
There is another time when it gets real. Somewhere around 35ish weeks you will have a moment when it hits you “this person inside me is going to come out, one way or another, and there is going to be pain involved!” That lasts for a couple of days 🙂
It’s against the law for a company to refuse to hire a woman because she is pregnant, or to discharge a woman because she’s pregnant.
Yes, this. I´m in germany, but we have this protecting law, too - but if a company seeks a loophole, they´ll find it. If they notice I´m pregnant, I won´t get the new contract I need after december - which would mean a desaster for us.
Well, I´ll leave it to the Lord, it´s not in my hands right now.

I am very happy for you! 😍

For the job, In december, they will not need to know that you are already pregnant! If you have few symptom to hide! 😉

For the material problems, you will find solutions. And apart childcare (but if needed, that’s mean the 2 parents are working, so could afford it), a baby does not cost a lot. And material can be found second hand.

A positive test can be scary if not except. You will just need time to adjust your feelings.
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Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize she is not from the U.S.

Interesting–I am so used to hearing how wonderful the health care is in other countries compared to the U.S.–it’s strange to hear that other countries don’t have legal protection for women who want to work outside their homes while pregnant. To be honest, I’m shocked.
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