Shocked by pregnancy test

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Another opportunity showed up, thank God. The organiser of an exhibition job I already cancelled in my mind because they didn’t came up with a real contact for weeks visited me today and declared he sees the once given verbal contact as valid and want to give me a written contract to sign before end of the year. I won’t tell him I’m pregnant before, but as he already introduced me as manager before the communal office that pays for the project, he can’t step back without loosing his own good reputation. It’s a light work and I’ll give birth when I count correctly in July, and hopefully before it gets busy in October I’ll be able to work again for some hours a week.
So, I can quit the other job after December.
Congratulations!!! Anxiety is normal. Praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy, birth and recovery for you and your little one.
Thank you. My husband is also still feeling a bit weird… I was angry with him because of this, but I realized it was more that I’m insecure myself. We have to re arrange so much with our work schedule right now (that can’t wait for the three months mark) that I fear I’m doing it all and may have a miscarriage so nothing will left, that scares me a bit. Shouldn’t read more about those statistics I think.
Alice, don’t worry about being upset. I can assure you that each and every pregnancy is a natural crisis to some degree: every child changes the life of the mother and she needs to adjust and accept the new baby. This is normal. Your hormones are running riot as well, so you feel more emotional. Best to live in the moment, trust in God’s Providence and believe things will work out. You will feel calmer in a couple of months. Congratulations! You are a mom!
You’ll be okay.
I’ve been where you are more than once.

I was so stressed out when I found out I was pregnant with my third. My husband was unemployed, I was desperately trying to finish my degree, and we were on government assistance.
The only income we had was my grant money and once-a-month weekend military pay.
It was a serious uphill battle for a very long time. But, we got through it, we are doing much better, and we have a pretty spunky and precocious 3 year old to keep us busy.

Just take it one day at a time, keep in touch with your OB and start working in little things to make you feel like you are moving forward.

What helped me with my third pregnancy was getting organized, dusting off and cleaning hand me down baby equipment. Setting things up, keeping busy.

Maybe pick up some gender neutral onesies, start thinking about your shower, plan out ideas for a nursery. You don’t have to go nuts…but it might help relieve the stress and make you feel like you’re dong something productive and give you something exciting to share with your husband.

Maybe kick around some name possibilities.
It’s good to hear you’ve been there with those struggles. I realize that I had more or less romantic ideas about my physical situation. In reality I’m laying down with nausea, head ache and tiredness and didn’t left the house the past days because I was to weak. I had to skip one of my two jobs because of this (standing all day there) so money is even tighter until January. I once experienced depression when under hormonal treatment for a disease in the past and I notice similar symptoms right now, I really hope it will all be well after some weeks (the doctor said it’s bad luck, but not uncommon). Honestly, at the moment, I hate it. Would be happy to skip some months 😑
I found some sewing patterns for baby nests that are really cute and I try to make some of them in the next weeks to have something to do.
Some things that sometimes helped me with my morning sickness were ginger and protein. Making sure I was never without some source of protein (cheese, nuts, sausage stick, etc) and ginger candies. Staying hydrated by sipping water all day or whatever drink you can stomach also helps. I would leave a snack next to my bed so that I could eat and get a good drink before I hopped out of bed. Also making sure I didn’t get too hot. Reduce the temperature of showers or baths. Standing up slowly helps prevent a drop in blood pressure and that also helps. This stage is temporary. Even those of us unfortunate enough to remain sick for nine months tend to have good days/bad days, start to develop ways to cope, and tend to be back to normal soon after delivery. The tiredness also tends to go away. I’ll say a prayer for you.
Thank you for the tips. Cold air is good, I´m glad it´s winter and cold right now. Ginger made it even worse, surprisingly. I will look what ideas my doctor have next week…
At the moment, it´s the mood that kills me. We tried so hard to get pregnant and now…I can only think of the time I was “free” and independet. I am not a bad person (at least I hope so) but at the moment, I can´t be happy, rather desperate. I hope this is just an episode of hormonal chaos :roll_eyes:
With my older daughter, I found relief from the things I mentioned so I’m glad at least one is somewhat helpful. My you get daughter, nothing helped. I stayed sick for the entire time. Some good days, not many more bad. I pray you are among the lucky ones that have the first trimester or so and smooth sailing afterwards.

The mood or feelings are normal. We have all had “buyers remorse” of some sort during pregnancy. As time goes by and the baby becomes more “concrete” than an idea (belly grows, movement, hearing his/her heartbeat, seeing the ultrasound, etc), bonding starts to occur. It takes time. Allow yourself those feelings. It doesn’t make you a bad person or foretell how you will be as a mom. It means you realize how important this journey will be. You know that your baby now takes priority. That is scary. But that will become less scary and more joyful when the time comes. Fighting those feelings would only create conflict in yourself which drags it on longer. Just go with your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. They are normal.
Ha! I thought I was the only person in the world who was made sicker by ginger. Everybody is different, and you’ll need to figure out what works for you. As 13pollitos says, this is a self-limiting condition, and even if you feel so awful you just want someone to knock you unconscious until it’s all over remember that this isn’t going to persist forever. All you have to do is survive, and you’ll figure out ways to manage. The tiredness is very likely to disappear with your first trimester, and the nausea will probably abate, too.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if your hormones were wreaking havoc with your emotions. Don’t feel guilty about not feeling happy–your emotions in NO WAY make you a bad or unloving parent. But if your desperation continues to the point where it is regularly affecting your life and ability to do things, please bring it up with your doctor–antepartum depression and anxiety are real, if lesser known than their cousins postpartum depression and anxiety.
That is the cool thing about pregnancy. When you have the baby, the symptoms…by and large…disappear.

I had nausea during my first pregnancy that I didn’t have with my other two. It made working much more difficult. Going to my pediatrician and asking for something to help was exactly what I needed to do. They gave me medication and it helped me tremendously.

I also had some heartburn with all of my pregnancies. Like…couldnt consume anything without getting it. Couldnt lie down and Relax or sleep because it was so bad. Over the counter Zantac was a miracle drug for me.
I remember laboring with my second kid and the heartburn was so bad I couldn’t concetrate on anything. The nurses were getting so frustrated with pharmacy because I needed zantac and they usually treated heartburn with liquid tums…which did absolutely nothing. I guess they, typically, never prescribed anything else for laboring patients and had to jump through some serious hoops to get it and took almost 2 hours.
It would have taken my husband less than 10 mins to go to CVS and get me what I needed

I had a nurse joke that she could have given me all the potent pain medication I could want but…God forbid I needed a simple OTC to treat some heartburn…and that was impossible.
Once I had her…it instantly went away,
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Fortunately, my husband seems to get more familiar with the situation, too - he really balances everyting out as good as he can. He “forced” me to go on a longer walk with him and the dog in the evening and calmed me a bit. I´m more or less completely alone during the day at the moment and this doesn´t improves my mood. I was always a person who´s rather focused on indepndence and scared by extremely close family bonds (with persian family, you aren´t ever alone. Even if you wanted, it´s not possible). Now as we live far away from friends and family, I really start to miss people in my near.
I can only imagine how hard it is for single mothers - definately an experience for me to become a bit more understanding, hopefully. I´ll talk to my doctor about this depressive mood. Last time I had this I was given a sof herbal medication and felt better directly after I left the hormonal threatment, but both opportunities are not available now, at least not in the next months :roll_eyes:
I thank you all for the encouragment for me not to think I´ll become a bad parent. I´ll try to see this anxiety as a further symptom and try not to weight it as a real fear…
Congratulations! I think to get a positive pregnancy test, no matter the circumstance, is always a little bit overwhelming.

We just had our first child this past June. Don’t be too hard on yourself, really. I had some instances of weird mood swings where I was crying one instant and laughing the next (drove my husband crazy, but what can you do? Taking a nice long, warm shower helped me…😛).

Prayers for a smooth and healthy pregnancy!
That is the cool thing about pregnancy. When you have the baby, the symptoms…by and large…disappear.

I had nausea during my first pregnancy that I didn’t have with my other two. It made working much more difficult. Going to my pediatrician and asking for something to help was exactly what I needed to do. They gave me medication and it helped me tremendously.

I also had some heartburn with all of my pregnancies. Like…couldnt consume anything without getting it. Couldnt lie down and Relax or sleep because it was so bad. Over the counter Zantac was a miracle drug for me.
I remember laboring with my second kid and the heartburn was so bad I couldn’t concetrate on anything. The nurses were getting so frustrated with pharmacy because I needed zantac and they usually treated heartburn with liquid tums…which did absolutely nothing. I guess they, typically, never prescribed anything else for laboring patients and had to jump through some serious hoops to get it and took almost 2 hours.
It would have taken my husband less than 10 mins to go to CVS and get me what I needed

I had a nurse joke that she could have given me all the potent pain medication I could want but…God forbid I needed a simple OTC to treat some heartburn…and that was impossible.
Once I had her…it instantly went away,
Our first was just born in June and I had heartburn in the third trimester. I had never had heartburn before in my life…in fact, the first time I felt it, I didn’t even know how to describe what I was feeling!

I ended up having a C-section because baby flipped sometime in the third trimester into a breech position. When the nurse called me the day before the surgery was scheduled to give me instructions and get medical history, I did tell her I was having heartburn, but it only started during the pregnancy. So she said, “well let’s see if we can cure that tomorrow!” And they did! No more heartburn since then. 😉
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