Should abortionist and murderers(in the legal sense) be punished equally by law?

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If you could make any law for your country or you were an absolute monarch, would you punish the crime of performing abortions and murdering for money equally?

suppose the comparison is between performing equal number of abortion and murdering the same number of victims

sorry about being unable find a better word than “murder”
abortion is murdering for money
Abortionists, both by their actions and their psychological makeups are serial killers. They do not differ from “organized” serial killers in their self-centered sociopathic personalities. They ought to be treated like serial killers.
vern humphrey:
Abortionists, both by their actions and their psychological makeups are serial killers. They do not differ from “organized” serial killers in their self-centered sociopathic personalities. They ought to be treated like serial killers.
I’d say they’re more like hitmen. They’re being paid by someone to murder another person.
Lifedynamics sells a book called LIME5 it gives a look into the mind of an abortionist and it isn’t pretty,in fact it is scary:nope: You see unlike a lot of the women who go in for abortion they know exactly what they are doing:mad:
punishment is truly given by GOD, but I would call for stiffer penalties simply for trying to make a profit out of murdering the innocent.
IMO, both should be punished. But thats not for me to judge ;).
I say stiffer penalty for the abortionist. Although I would not support the death penalty. But I’d say life in prison, solitary confinement, no parole option–ever, no tv, very little recreation time. oh, and a mandatory, weekly meeting with Judy Brown!
Someboyd murdering for the thrill ins’t as horrific to me as someone doing it for money. Because the first is likely mentaly disordered, the second is a much more willful action.
Rand Al'Thor:
I’d say they’re more like hitmen. They’re being paid by someone to murder another person.
Well, in most states murder for hire and serial killing merit the same penalty – the ultimate.
The difference is that abortionists do not believe that they are ending a life. The murder knows for sure that he/she is ending a life.

Because the courts and politicians have convinced pro-choicers that life does begins at birth and not at conception, abortionists do not think they are commiting murder (otherwise they may not be doing such things). Although the net effect is the same, that is not how they look at it.

Jesus said “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. For the abortionist this may (or may not) be somewhat true. For the murderer, they definitely know what they are doing.

IF we can get the courts to make abortions illegal (or IF I were king of the world) then the punishments should be the same for both or abortionists should be punished more severely (because killing an infant is more heinous than killing someone who may actually deserve it.)

I think capital punishment should only be applied when you know what you are doing is wrong. The murderer for hire knows it, the abortionists does not (yet).

The difference is that abortionists do not believe that they are ending a life. The murder knows for sure that he/she is ending a life.

Because the courts and politicians have convinced pro-choicers that life does begins at birth and not at conception, abortionists do not think they are commiting murder (otherwise they may not be doing such things). Although the net effect is the same, that is not how they look at it.

Jesus said “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. For the abortionist this may (or may not) be somewhat true. For the murderer, they definitely know what they are doing.

IF we can get the courts to make abortions illegal (or IF I were king of the world) then the punishments should be the same for both or abortionists should be punished more severely (because killing an infant is more heinous than killing someone who may actually deserve it.)

I think capital punishment should only be applied when you know what you are doing is wrong. The murderer for hire knows it, the abortionists does not (yet).

Ok, I support the argument that many women who have abortions are not to blame because they have been fed lies, I completely disagree that abortionists don’t know they’re killing a human! These are trained medical professionals (despite the fact that they use this knowledge for evil). They know EXACTLY what they’re doing. I think what you mean is that they’ve completely hardened their hearts to the fact that it’s murder. As the Catechism tells us in par. 1859, hardening one’s heart so as to make one’s self believe that he is not committing a sin does NOT reduce the culpability, but rather INCREASES it.

Give the mothers who have abortions the benefit of the doubt. But I think it’s naiive to claim the doctors don’t know.
This is a good question because I remember when abortionists were arrested and prosecuted for the killing of the unborn.
My, my, how times have changed, and not for the good.
Your choices are too limited. Isn’t abortion killing for money?

To sin, you must be aware that what you’re doing is wrong.

Both should be punished equally as long as the perpetrators know what they’re doing is wrong.

Personally, I think most abotionists and murderers know what they’re doing is wrong. Abortionists just rationalize what they’re doing. That doesn’t count as not knowing it’s wrong. Stopping a beating heart. How can that be “right”.
Ok, I support the argument that many women who have abortions are not to blame because they have been fed lies, I completely disagree that abortionists don’t know they’re killing a human! These are trained medical professionals (despite the fact that they use this knowledge for evil). They know EXACTLY what they’re doing. I think what you mean is that they’ve completely hardened their hearts to the fact that it’s murder. As the Catechism tells us in par. 1859, hardening one’s heart so as to make one’s self believe that he is not committing a sin does NOT reduce the culpability, but rather INCREASES it.

Give the mothers who have abortions the benefit of the doubt. But I think it’s naiive to claim the doctors don’t know.
I think if you asked any abortionist they will invariably tell you that they do not believe it is murder, nor do they think of it as killing a viable human being. AND most will probably say they think they are performing an humanitarian deed in ‘helping some poor soul out of trouble’.

They would probably try to convince you of that as well.

If anything they will claim they do NOT know when life actually begins.
I think if you asked any abortionist they will invariably tell you that they do not believe it is murder, nor do they think of it as killing a viable human being. AND most will probably say they think they are performing an humanitarian deed in ‘helping some poor soul out of trouble’.

They would probably try to convince you of that as well.

If anything they will claim they do NOT know when life actually begins.
If you talk to ANY killer they will tell you they had a right to do what they did.

When Michael Jordan’s father was murdered, they couldn’t interview the killers – because they were underage. They could, however interview inmates in the juvenile facility the killers had just been released from.

The interviewer commented that NONE of these kids though the killers had done anything wrong. When they broached that issue, one of the kids blamed Michael Jordan, saying, “If he hadn’t a give his dad all that money, they wouldn’t a had to rob him.”
I think if you asked any abortionist they will invariably tell you that they do not believe it is murder, nor do they think of it as killing a viable human being. AND most will probably say they think they are performing an humanitarian deed in ‘helping some poor soul out of trouble’.

They would probably try to convince you of that as well.

If anything they will claim they do NOT know when life actually begins.
Again, I point you to Catechism paragraph 1859 which specifically says that hardening one’s heart to sin, so that he no longer knows what is sin, is NOT an excuse, but rather INCREASES culpability.

I don’t doubt for a second that these abortionists claim to be doing some sort of good deed. Who would say, “Yeah I murder innocent babies for a living. It pays the bills.” No one!!

Of course they justify it somehow. They justify it because they know it’s wrong! Theyve hardened their hearts to the fact that theyre murdering. As I mentioned before, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to go through medical school and NOT know that you’re killing a living human being.

And the excuse that theyve simply been taught that what theyre doing is good doesnt cut it either. We have a little something called Natural Law written on our hearts as human beings. It tells us the biggies to avoid, like, oh i dunno . . . killing babies.

So, to recap:
I would readily give any mother who has an abortion the benefit of the doubt. My heart sincerely goes out to them. They’ve been fed lies by the pro-abortion elite. And I’d say that the emotional circumstances hinder their culpability to a degree. We should have nothing but compassion and infinite mercy for mothers who have abortions.

But the “doctors” who perform the abortions know exactly what they’re doing. They’re responsible for spreading the lies to the pregnant women. And while we should have mercy on them too, and NO act of violence against them can EVER be condoned, I state again that it’s naiive to claim they’re ignorant of their deeds.

We must pray pray pray for the conversion and softening of their hearts. :gopray:
I’ll agree that abortionists probably don’t consider abortion “murder,” simply because “murder” is a legal term. Many people, as UK has pointed out, have hardened their hearts such that even if they consider the unborn to be a human, they rationalize, claiming that the unborn deserve fewer rights, etc.
Murder? Maybe not. But they definitely know they are killing a human being; there is no denying it. Within the medical field, it is firmly established that life begins at conception. Just go find an embryology text book.

Bring justice to their heads.
I dunno. I just have trouble placing the guy at planned parenthood in the same class as ted bundy, the zodiac killer, or the dc sniper. don’t get me wrong, i hate abortion. i just don’t think their punishment should be the same as a serial killer. but, in heaven their punishment will be the same if not more. i just say let god sort them out.
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