Should abortionist and murderers(in the legal sense) be punished equally by law?

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I dunno. I just have trouble placing the guy at planned parenthood in the same class as ted bundy, the zodiac killer, or the dc sniper. don’t get me wrong, i hate abortion. i just don’t think their punishment should be the same as a serial killer. but, in heaven their punishment will be the same if not more. i just say let god sort them out.
I wouldn’t say they’re in the same class either, to tell you the truth. I think they’re much worse. They invested time and money to go through medical school, learning how to help and to heal, and then decided to use that knowledge and skill to kill babies for a quicker profit.
At least many serial killers can lean on the excuse of mental instability. Abortionists are just ruthless because it pays well.

Oh, and there won’t be in punishment in heaven.

God will sort them out, but that doesn’t mean we should do nothing here on earth. In fact, that’s ridiculous. If you think that God will treat them the same as serial killers, if not more harshly, but you choose to do nothing to them…I don’t know. I really don’t know how you’re getting to that conclusion.
I would have to say no simply because as much as I hate it and wish it was not so, abortion is legal in this country therefore there is no legal foundation on which we can punish an abortionist as we would do a murderer. Should abortion once again become illegal, then I think we would be facing a whole new set of decisions that I know I haven’t given the necessary thought (such as who is responsible for this act the abortionist or the women, are the mitigating circumstances possible in regards to the women’s cupability? etc.) However, until abortion is made illegal then the question is mute for me.
Well, since you’ve made me absolute sovereign, I’ll simply outlaw both abortion AND the death penalty on the same day.

Ex Post Facto would remain the rule of law. Thus, amnesty (in this world) for abortionists up to the date of my reign. After that, it’s just murder. Perhaps a shot at parole after 10 years in the case of an isolated offense. Life for those judged to be repeat offense risks.

However, I DO tend to get mad sometimes at news reports. I might just have a poorly supervised machine shop in the prison where certain child molestors would be occasionally assigned to… Naw, conscience would stop me.
The difference is that abortionists do not believe that they are ending a life. The murder knows for sure that he/she is ending a life.

What about a neo-nazi who kills a black, believing them to be sub-human.

They too do not believe they are ending a human life.

So should that neo-nazi be treated more favorably than one who kills for money?
Murder is murder is murder. Some murders are justified( war). Outside of self defense, murder should be meet with swift unyeilding justice.
Abortion is exactly the same as being paid to murder someone. Abortionists are all contract killers, so what’s the difference?
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