Should adultery be revealed to a spouse?

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If it’s over, and repented of, why hurt the spouse needlessly now?
Or destroy the family not to mention if there are children…

I agree with this provided: it was a one time lack of judgement NEVER to happen again, no possible way for it to become public knowledge and the risk of an STD is null. In any other instance the adulterous party should confess to their spouse.
I think everyone is missing the point here. If one has committed adultery then they have misunderstood the way in which sex is to be used. If they do not understand that fundamental concept, and thus are guilty of lust, then the sin has been committed in the heart, whether they physically go and have sex is actually irrelevant.

Therefore, i believe that if one has reached the point where they desire other women, and therefore are guilty of adultery, they need to be brought back to the faith, keeping it hidden? Not a choice.

“In sickness and in health” can also be applied to spiritual health, in which one who is an adulterer is sick, they need the support of their spouse, not to hide the secret and wait for it to be revealed.

To say “Keep it hidden not to hurt the spouse” is just inherently WRONG. You are living a lie, not saying it doesnt mean that it never happened, if such a thing happened you need to make sure it NEVER happens again. How can one do so if you keep the problem locked away, and hidden. If you have cheated, it is your fault, it WILL always hurt others, but it will hurt a lot more when it is found out twenty years down the line.

Facing the problem at root is the only answer, one’s spouse, if truly a catholic, will forgive and work with the partner on it.

We all have trials in life, dont think that you are not to be the source of some of them for your spouse, the longer you leave it, the harder it will be when it comes out, which it almost certainly will.

Jesus is in ALL of us, would you keep a secret hidden from Him?

May the Lord help You.
I don’t think it’s dishonest not to tell.

And if any such thing happened, I would spend the rest of my days diligently serving my wife so that if she ever learned of it, my service would account against my sin, thereby making her job of forgiving me easier.

If you tell your spouse right afterwards, you have few credentials between the present moment, and the moment you fractured your vows.

Also, are we bound to tell our spouse all the things that go on in our mind? Should we tell them every time we “look” at someone else? Should we reveal our opinion when we see them in their ugliest moments?
To say “Keep it hidden not to hurt the spouse” is just inherently WRONG. You are living a lie, not saying it doesn’t mean that it never happened, if such a thing happened you need to make sure it NEVER happens again. How can one do so if you keep the problem locked away, and hidden. If you have cheated, it is your fault, it WILL always hurt others, but it will hurt a lot more when it is found out twenty years down the line.
I’m curious… You say it’s “inherently wrong” not to tell your spouse about an adulterous affair and you explain why. My question then is: what is inherently good about revealing it to your spouse?

My question is meant to apply to a one time event only; not as a pattern of behavior.
We consider it adds something extra special to our physical relationship that we have only been together in that way and not shared anything like it with anyone else. I’m not sure adultery is something I could overcome but I know not being told about an adultery is certainly something I wouldn’t overcome. Therefore, it would be in my husband’s best interests to come clean.

That said, I don’t think there is any relationship without trust and I don’t think I could ever trust him again. I would go to marriage counselling but I don’t think I could ever have sex with him again. I don’t know - do any of us until we are actually in that situation?

The only thing I am sure of is that I would want to know and its’ better coming straight from him.
We consider it adds something extra special to our physical relationship that we have only been together in that way and not shared anything like it with anyone else. I’m not sure adultery is something I could overcome but I know not being told about an adultery is certainly something I wouldn’t overcome. Therefore, it would be in my husband’s best interests to come clean.

That said, I don’t think there is any relationship without trust and I don’t think I could ever trust him again. I would go to marriage counselling but I don’t think I could ever have sex with him again. I don’t know - do any of us until we are actually in that situation?

The only thing I am sure of is that I would want to know and its’ better coming straight from him.
My thoughts exactly. If my husband were to cheat on me, even just once, it would end our relationship, because by cheating he chose to end our marriage. It would be better to get it out and move on than to hide the secret forever. We’re not animals, sex doesn’t “just happen” for all that we hear that on TV. Adultery is a choice; I hope I could come to forgive that choice, but how could anyone live with it?
Sometimes telling the spouse a transgression is a way of clearing ones own conscience at the cost of the pain of the offended partner.

I never wanted to know. " Well meaning" friends thought I should be told and informed me. In my heart I already knew, just didn’t want to accept it, I thought he would “change”. The pain was HUGE !! Not only I knew but everyone else did. ( I felt a failure as a wife, although, after many years of working through my problem, I realize that his problems were his, not due to me in any way). Husband only denied until one of his “g. friends” called and gave me information. This still did not stop him.

I am blessed all of this is behind me. I forgave him even though he never asked forgiveness. I moved on to a beautiful life. He died alone and lonely. A lesson I think for those who prefer to “live for the moment”.

Love and peace,
In this day and age, I would want to know so that if I decided to try to work through the marriage (of course divorce is not an option, because my marriage is valid), I can get him tested before we do anything together. I would hope he would give me that much repect.
I think it should be revealed for health reasons. If a spouse somehow ends up with a STD, they’re going to wonder where it came from. My mom stopped marital relations with my father after she discovered his infidelity. I don’t blame her, she didn’t know who those women were.
The health issue can be addressed by the cheating spouse having him/herself tested.

I think that the cheating spouse should NOT reveal their adultery if it has gone undiscovered – this is assuming that they have stopped, are truly repentant, and have a firm resolution to sin no more.

Certainly the problems within the marriage need to be addressed but admitting to adultery isn’t necessary to those dicussions. NB I do not accept that because one spouse cheats “there are problems in the marriage” which seems to me like code for “something wrong with the spouse”. Some people are going to cheat no matter what, no matter who they’re married to and it’s cruel to blame the victim.

Lastly, an affair is a secret that belongs to two people. I don’t think either one has a right to betray that secret, even to a spouse. [ducking for cover]
In my many years of marriage, I can say I’ve never been down this road, but I can say that I don’t think the cheating spouse should tell anyone, except his/her Priest in a good sacramental confession. I don’t see how it could help anything except maybe provide the cheater with some relief for ‘getting it off his/her chest’. The damage to the wronged spouse would be immeasurable.

If I were to cheat, I don’t think I’d have to tell my wife, I think she would just know, right away. I don’t know how, but I think females just have a sense about things like that. Maybe I would be less confident or ‘cocky’. My Mom could always tell when I was lying, and my wife is pretty good at it, too. I just think females are more in tune with that sort of thing. Why is that?

On the other hand, males can be quite clueless, and seem to be the last to know. Are we that much less observant, don’t care, or just don’t want to know? Either way, I’m sure a cheating spouse affects males and females differently. What are those differences?
I think everyone is missing the point here. If one has committed adultery then they have misunderstood the way in which sex is to be used. If they do not understand that fundamental concept, and thus are guilty of lust, then the sin has been committed in the heart, whether they physically go and have sex is actually irrelevant.

Therefore, i believe that if one has reached the point where they desire other women, and therefore are guilty of adultery, they need to be brought back to the faith, keeping it hidden? Not a choice.
AS Jimmy Carter says, in his heart he may have committed adultery thousands of times…

I don’t feel any obligation to tell my wife every time I’ve lusted after other women. I try not to, but being human I have been tempted often, and every once in a while my imagination gets the better of me. In my defense I have never once acted on any of these mental infidelities, nor do I ever intend to.

If I were to tell my spouse each time I saw a beautiful woman and desired to have an affair with them, it not only would be very hurtful to her self esteem, and I think it would be extremely uncharitable.

No one is that honest and I think they should keep a lot of their thoughts and secret desires to themselves.

I don’t go looking for scantily clad women and I don’t search the web for porn or sexually explicit web sites. But in the every day life one can not help but come across some folks who look beautiful and openly flaunt it. And in the media of course, sex is openly displayed even in G and PG rated shows.

I don’t make a habit of gawking at every female that passes by, but I 'm not about to confess everytime, I see a pretty face.

As far as confessing a real life infidelity goes, I think a lot of folks are letting themselves off the hook easy in NOT telling their spouse about an infidelity. It seems to be just an excuse to avoid facing the music and consequences of their actions.

It is a terrible hurt and burden that they are placing on their victim spouse, but they should have thought about that BEFORE they went out and cheated.

I don’t ever want to be put in that situation of trying to decide whether to tell or not tell. My wife has threatened divorce if that ever happened and I wouldn’t blame her. But IF I were the victim, I think I would want to know. It would be painful, but I would think I could forgive eventually and try to work out the problems.

Christ says, we breaks our wedding vows at our own peril. It is a very greievious sin and too many folks take their vows too lightly.

To say “Keep it hidden not to hurt the spouse” is just inherently WRONG. You are living a lie, not saying it doesnt mean that it never happened, if such a thing happened you need to make sure it NEVER happens again.
If something is truly repented of, it means that the penitent wishes he could go back and undo the action so that it never happened. And if it is confessed and repented of sacramentally, in God’s eyes, it is forgiven.

I have personal, second-hand knowledge, of only one such incident. It involved a one-night stand by a husband during a business trip. He was so overcome with shame that he poured out his repentence to a friend, who advised him that since it was over and done with, he was obviously repentant, and it would never happen again, that should be as far as it went. His friend advised him that spilling his guts to his wife could only make matters worse.

But he told her anyway. In my view, his confession to her was to assuage his own guilt, not to provide her with justice. For her, it was just devastating. What else could it be?

The end result–his marriage wrecked, his children have divorced parents, the family broken, because he confessed his already repented of transgression to the wrong person.

OK, I’ll duck now.
Hi All!
Haven’t posted in a while. Please excuse if I mispell as I am typing in the dark. Am having the same kind of a problem with a suspician of my own DH. I really don’t know if he is having a physical thing but I don’t think it is physical. I think he might have an emotional attatchment to a mutual friend. I can tell you all one thing, it is devastating to think that your spouse of 15 years has feelings for someone other than you.

We have had our bumps in the road like anyone after 15 years but we (I thought) were close enough emotionally spriritually and physcially that something like this would never happen. After reading alot about affairs both emotional and physical, I have learned a great deal. I belong to another forum that is conducted by a marriage counselor. He believes in saving every marriage even if there is an affair. Seems to have a common sense plan of attack but also says that some can be saved some cannot.

1 Affairs are like an addiction and as such you have to treat it that way.

2 Until they are actually caught or you find enough proof they would rather die than tell you the truth, so you really cannot believe anything they say about the suspected “friendship”

3 NO MARRIAGE IS COMPLETELY AFFAIR PROOF. Given the right circumstances it can happen to anyone, but the best way to guard against it is to fill each ones emotional needs to the best of your ability. THE PEOPLE THAT THINK " I WOULD NEVER NEVER DO THAT TO MY SPOUSE, ARE ACTUALLY MORE VULNERABLE THAN ANYONE. If given the right stresses in a marriage or the right circumstances, it can happen to anyone.

4 He says to PRAY TOGETHER. It is very powerful antidote.

5 Affairs are as damaging to the betrayer as to the betrayed. It is devastating for all concerned.

I am very confused at this point in my relationship with DH. I see some signs but he is very attentive to me. I am still keeping my eyes and ears open as people suggest as I have no conclusive proof, just certain things that have happened and some comments from him, and a terrible gut feeling. I am also trying to keep my mouth shut until I know one way or the other (hard, hard, hard) but most of all I am praying ALOT.

If an affair is either emotional or physical or both and an ongoing one, yes definitely the other spouse should know, NEEDS to know as alot of times the marriage can be turned around if confronted and dealt with the right way. EITHER WAY, the spouse must know. I have actually heard of success stories of marriages were 100 % better after dealing with it. Oh granted it would take alot of counseling, prayer and work, and there is a TON of hurt to go around.:crying: The average time span for healing is 2 to 3 years.

Keep me in your prayers as I am going thru a little bit of H— right now. Am trying to offer it up to whoever needs it.

Just one more point to my prior post. One of the most hurfull aspects in an ongoing affair either EA or PA. is that the betrayer has lied thru his teeth to you in order to keep it going. Also a betrayer can be as honest as they come but if they are having an affair they WILL MOST DEFINITELY LIE!!:mad:

Let me preface this by writing that there are other issues besides the health concerns.
The health issue can be addressed by the cheating spouse having him/herself tested.
How? I respectfully disagree with this statement. I have seen similar responses, but this is false reassurance. A person infected with HIV may not test positive immendiately. HPV may not by symptomatic for years… you can’t walk in and get tested for HPV.

Sorry to keep going about the health issues, but it comes with the job. 🙂 What about the increased risk for cancer that a woman or man may be placed at? For a woman, this knowledge may mean more frequent cervical cancer screening. No one has the right to risk another person’s life.
First, I have not been in this situation and, therefore, have no experience. Having said that, however, it is my belief that if someone has committed adultery they should tell their spouse whether they ask or not. Lying by omission is still lying. It’s not a matter of the cheating spouse coming clean so they can sleep better at night - it’s a matter of being honest. You cannot be honest by keeping that kind of information a secret. I’ve read a couple of posts here from some people who have been hurt deeply and have been through agony because they found out about an affair and feel like maybe they wouldn’t have had to go through it all if only they hadn’t know about it. And, I can’t say with 100% certainty what I would do. But, I CAN say that I would like to think I would tell my spouse. Confession is an essential part of it, but being honest and open with your spouse is essential to a healthy marriage. If a marriage cannot withstand the truth, it is the infidelity to blame, not the fact that the spouse revealed the truth.

I just can’t imagine if I were praying for guidance that God would answer my prayers by saying “No, you don’t have to reveal the TRUTH. The truth isn’t important”
Let me preface this by writing that there are other issues besides the health concerns.

How? I respectfully disagree with this statement. I have seen similar responses, but this is false reassurance. A person infected with HIV may not test positive immendiately. HPV may not by symptomatic for years… you can’t walk in and get tested for HPV.

Sorry, I guess my age is showing :(, I was still thinking in terms of syphillis & gonorrhea.
What is HPV, btw? I’m two days shy of my 21st annivesary whic has saved me worrying about “health issues” I guess.
Happy anniversary!!!

No need to apologize. It is a common misconception. I hope you don’t mind that I mentioned this, and I apologize if I came across confrontational.

Humanpapilloma Virus is the name of a group of viruses. There are over 100 known strains of the virus and about 30 are spread through sexual contact and infect the genitals. Genital HPV infection may cause warts, abnormal paps, and genital cancers. It has been identified as the cause of 99.7% of cervical cancers, which is why some refer to cervical cancer as a STD. A baby, in rare cases, can develop warts on the voice box and throat when exposed to HPV during childbirth. Diagnosis is made if a person is symptomatic (visible warts, abnormal pap, etc). There is no test for HPV; however, if a pap smear is abnormal a test for the DNA of HPV can be performed to identify high-risk strains. Only certain strains of HPV are considered high-risk for cervical cancer. The identification of high-risk HPV can be used to manage abnormal paps. I have worked in a family planning clinic and have seen many cases of HPV. The CDC reports that at least 50% of sexually active men and women acquire HPV during their lives; by age 50, 80% of women will have been infected at some time during their lives.

I think those are the major points. Oh, and condoms DO NOT prevent the spread of this infection.

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