Should Catholic leaders make gay marriage illegal?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Polak
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they just don’t like it because it undercuts their argument (which relies on semantic game-playing).
No, it doesn’t they use a different set of principles to form their opinions and it is impossible to argue otherwise with ones that are foreign to what they hold to be true.
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If the responders chose to interpret the OPs question that way. Which they did.

OP I think your original question, was mire in reference to if a politician could should they mandate that? Is that an accurate interpretation of the original question?
It is indeed.

The topic has very much turned into two different debates, one on whether any president, prime minister, politician or authority figure in general has the power to mandate such a law, and the other a general discussion on gay marriage.

The original question was asking if dellegalisng, or not recognising gay marriages as legal marriages, would be the right thing to do.
I thought that article 20 listed the right to peaceful assembly.
Article 29 (3) takes every single one of them away. According to the Declaration itself they’re not universal human rights, they’re rights granted by the UN and subject to the whims of the UN.
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No, it doesn’t they use a different set of principles to form their opinions…
Indeed. The principle is that reality is malleable, that if you give something a name that it is not, it becomes the thing that it is not. That kind of metaphysical and semantic irrationality is gravely dangerous to a society, and it doesn’t deserve to be treated as if it were merely a personal difference of opinion on the order of “vanilla vs. chocolate”.
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The principle is that reality is malleable, that if you give something a name that it is not, it becomes the thing that it is not. That kind of metaphysical and semantic irrationality is gravely dangerous to a society, and it doesn’t deserve to be treated as if it were merely a personal difference of opinion on the order of “vanilla vs. chocolate”.
Well there is no real way to argue against it so it is a waste of time.
Well there is no real way to argue against it…
Sure there is: continue to point out its incredible irrationality at every opportunity.
… so it is a waste of time.
Some people are unconcerned that they’re being irrational; they might have immunized themselves against correction but that doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time to try. To silently allow irrational people to dominate the conversation is to be complicit in the sickening of our society. Those kinds of dangerously irrational ideas must be mercilessly destroyed at every opportunity.
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Is Pope Francis not the elected head of our Church on Earth ?

Speaking about gay people in 2013, he said, “the key is for the church to welcome, not exclude, and show mercy, not condemnation.”
He said, “If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?” “The problem,” he continued, "is not having this orientation. We must be brothers…
Nice way to cherry-pick out that at that very same time he clearly and unequivocably spoke of homosexual behavior as being sinful.
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Should Catholic leaders make gay marriage illegal?
Hi Polak. If I might put a question back to you: Why do you ask about making gay marriage illegal, but not ask about making gay sex illegal (as it was until 2003 in a number of US states)?
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Of course this question could also be applied to a Catholic leader, even it would be even more difficult to police, as the state would effectively have to start looking into people’s bedrooms.
Nice way to cherry-pick out that at that very same time he clearly and unequivocably spoke of homosexual behavior as being sinful.
Catholicism is completely opposed to the grave sins of Sodomy & Company
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