Should Catholics protest objectifying/vulgar" things like Lingerie football?

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Do things like lingerie football undermine movements like Metoo and encourages women to be objectified and viewed below the dignity women should be given?

Should Catholics protest things like this or would it just give them (and similar things) more attention and publicity which they want?
Is it no longer a thing?
I’m from Australia so just came across it on American news article.
Is it no longer a thing?
I’m from Australia so just came across it on American news article.
I heard about it a couple of years ago, and I’m here in America. It isn’t a big thing, and I’m not sure if its still done but if it is, its a small scale niche enterprise.

I can’t see that profit in publicly and specifically protesting lingerie football. I think the entrepreneurs would welcome the protests and free publicity.
Sometimes the best thing to do about things like these is to ignore them. If we pay no attention to it at all it goes away because there is no attention brought to it.
Should Catholics protest things like this or would it just give them (and similar things) more attention and publicity which they want?
Yes, Catholics should protest it. No need to get up on the barricades, but if there’s a concrete situation where you opinion matters, e.g. if it comes up in conversation with an acquaintance, we should certainly point out that it’s wrong.
Sometimes the best thing to do about things like these is to ignore them. If we pay no attention to it at all it goes away because there is no attention brought to it.
I’m afraid that’s not how it works. Example: internet pornography. Bad things don’t go away by ignoring them, much though I wish it was so.
Are we talking about porn? That’s would be a whole different discussion your right. I thought we were talking about silly foolishness that is done only to make money? It’s when people don’t make a big deal out of that type of entertainment that is goes away. If someone ask me if I watch something like this I just say no.
I don’t understand why self-proclaimed feminists are still not making an effort to protest, at least in writing, anything that objectifies women. I realize ‘lingerie football’ does not create the same emotional response as assault, but come on. Human dignity starts with human decency and respect.
Sometimes the best thing to do about things like these is to ignore them. If we pay no attention to it at all it goes away because there is no attention brought to it.

“Topless donut shop” is actually a viable business model.

You take out a short term lease on a failed/closed donut shop, wait for the protesters and television cameras, and cash in with expensive (and low quality donuts) for a month or two, then close.


p.s. I ran into someone a few months ago that actually watched the lingerie league for the football . . . I guess it takes all kinds . . .
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I think that another way, instead of protesting lingerie football (or whatever), is to teach/proclaim that each person is made in the image and likeness of God and that because of that, each one has a certain dignity. Perhaps by doing that, they will be able to see that the objectification is wrong.

Do things like lingerie football undermine movements like Metoo and encourages women to be objectified and viewed below the dignity women should be given?
Yes! Lingerie football games undermine movements like #MeToo and encourage the objectification of women. Honestly, Hollywood has pretty much done nothing to fix their MeToo problem other than play lip service to it and perhaps crack down on the worst offenders. But they surely haven’t even attempted to fix the underlining issue, which is their promotion of unchaste behavior and their continued objectification of women.

I mention Hollywood because they are usually behind televised events like this, or have celebrities playing.
Should Catholics protest things like this or would it just give them (and similar things) more attention and publicity which they want?
I don’t know. I THINK giving lingerie football games more attention is bad, they have not really become mainstream or anything. And I understand that some of them are done in boxers and tank tops. So I’m not sure I would support an organized protest, which would get on the news.

I hate to say it, but i think the only way a lingerie football protest would be successful if it was planned and organized by a liberal organization, like the Women’s March. A liberal woman’s group would know how to make people afraid of organizing a lingerie football game, while no one really fears Catholics peacefully protesting on the sidewalk.

Good question.

God bless
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I don’t understand why self-proclaimed feminists are still not making an effort to protest, at least in writing, anything that objectifies women. I realize ‘lingerie football’ does not create the same emotional response as assault, but come on. Human dignity starts with human decency and respect.
I know this isn’t PC to say, but it’s because feminists don’t believe in chastity. They feel it was an invention to shame women.
“Topless donut shop” is actually a viable business model.
How about the bikini espresso shops here?

Yes, that’s a thing.

It’s not even the objectification that’s the worst thought for me on this. It’s…it’s FOOD in a tiny shack the size of a large outhouse that you pull up to…and the woman in it is making coffee in essentially her underwear.

Gross on so many levels.
But they surely haven’t even attempted to fix the underlining issue, which is their promotion of unchaste behavior and their continued objectification of women.
I really hate to say this, but as it undermines their bottom line to do so…

Well, I’ll let that thought lie.
I think the sad reality is that while many feminists believe things like this objectify and degrade women,there are many other feminists that have a distorted viewpoint where they think that lingerie football,stripping,pornography and prostitution etc are actually empowering and “pro woman” and pro women’s sexuality (providing that the woman herself chooses it).

What they are unable to see though,is that it is still making womens bodies a commodity regardless of how much the woman agrees with it because the majority of their business is from males and those males usually don’t view them with respect.
How about the bikini espresso shops here?
Those are even odder–the topless donut shops start knowing that they’re only in it for the short term, until a bit after the protests stop.

Those bikini shops seep to stay around for years. * shrug *

And I can just picture myself pulling into one every morning for a couple of years, bleary eyed in the wee hours, handing over cash for coffee before I was awake, and never even noticing until they made the news . . .


I’ve been buying what? . . .

For certain. The whole concept is just nasty.

When I first got here there was a movement to attempt to get rid of them on those grounds (because the moral grounds didn’t work; they’d already tried). It failed, with the county health departments saying they’re okay because they’re all inspected.

Well, yeah, we know they are, but it doesn’t make it any less gross knowing it’s inspected by the health department…😶😶
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