I don’t know about LGBT in general, but I definitely think the Church should get more involved with Catholics living with disordered attractions. If they are already a strong believer, they can find that information themselves. However, there are many of these people wavering in their faith because of the difficulty of living with this problem. Those people need the support of the Church. At the local level a start would be education and support programs in parishes for Catholics with same-sex attraction. Because of the low number of these people, it might require several parishes to work together.
The content of the programs would be a combination of education in how gay Catholics should be living and support for this difficult life. Because of the potential difficulty of loneliness and chastity in single life, part of the this would involve fellow Catholics providing encouragement for the effort made and congratulations for successful change. This would also require Catholic volunteers to help in these programs. Because of past history in the Church, parishes would probably have a hard time getting volunteers. Right now, there is almost no ministry to these people, so it wouldn’t take much to make a difference.