Public school teacher here. I totally agree. It’s a parent’s place, perogative, and responsibility. The public schools have more and more thrust on them every year, with the result that ALL of it is being done more and more poorly. Don’t let this incredibly important issue be left to school systems. They won’t do a good job of inculcating the right values into it and if bascially consists of a banana/cucumber and condom practice run, it will probably encourage kids to have sex as soon as possible. I have to have the “we do not date in fourth grade” conversation with my students every year.I don’t think it should be taught in public schools beyond basic biology, e.g., this is how the reproductive system works, this is how pregnancy occurs. It’s a matter for the family to teach to its children beyond that. Catholic schools are a different case, but public schools should just stick to the facts and leave the ideology out.