Steel, I’m not sure that this is directly related to your questions, but is a thread I started on another forum that may be of some general assistance. Hope it helps somewhat. Everyone else in here I think has more than answered some of your questions. Anyway, here’s my original post:
I recently read a post in another forum about someone who was considering converting, and how he could make it smoother. It brought to my mind my own journey and what helped me. The following are merely suggestions. There are a whole plethora of considerations I probably won’t even touch on, such as married couples, etc., considering that I was single at the time. Anyway, here are a few:
I recently read a post in another forum about someone who was considering converting, and how he could make it smoother. It brought to my mind my own journey and what helped me. The following are merely suggestions. There are a whole plethora of considerations I probably won’t even touch on, such as married couples, etc., considering that I was single at the time. Anyway, here are a few:
- Take your time. Don’t rush into it. IMHO it’s a sin to make such a move if it goes against your conscience, even if I personally believe the Catholic Church is Christ’s intended Church and contains the fullness of the faith, if YOU are not totally convinced, you would be sinning against your conscience.
- Study, study, study. Don’t just take second hand information. Read the Catholic Catechism for yourself. Listen to Catholic programs on TV and radio, and read books by Catholic authors (i.e. conversion stories, etc.).
- Pray, pray, pray. This is not just an intellectual journey that you have to struggle with yourself. Ask God for discernment and guidance. That was my problem. I struggled so much with the theological issues that I lost sight of my personal relationship with Christ. It sent me spiraling down in a world of frustration and perceived deception.
- I found the transition smoother as I continued down my journey to seek out denominations that were more similar to the Catholic Church in their form of worship and theology. For instance, I began in the Salvation Army, to Fundamental Baptist, to Non-denominational, back to Conservative Baptist, to Presbyterian, to Lutheran, and finally home to Rome. I also graduated from a Protestant Bible College that was supported by the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ. I can imagine that it would be much harder to go directly from Fundamentalist to Catholic or from Non-denominational to Catholic, than from say Lutheran or Anglican (Episcopalian) to Catholic.
- If after all these considerations, you still find yourself drawn to the Catholic Church, attend RCIA. It’s not a total commitment, but a way for you to better inform yourself from actual Catholic teachers. Or seek out a spiritual director like a priest or deacon who may also help you with suggestions on interpersonal relationships with those close to you who are not Catholic.