Again, you would be surprised at how much it isn’t common knowledge. If you have never met anyone not in the know, thats wonderful. I have, plenty. Including Catholics.I wouldn’t start out by explaining the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. That is common knowledge.
All that needs to be explained is that marriage is between a man and a woman, and must be open to new life, And that anyone not married is required to be chaste.
If we are inviting those who have engaged in a secular civil same sex marriage, we should be very clear about why the Catholic Church does not support these as marriages. Otherwise the general cry is homosexual phobia and every other cry that can be thought up to to diminish why we believe what we do.
We don’t have to get into the biology or physiology of SSA.
We should also make it known we are not fundamentalists or puritans. This is not the Catholic Church.