Should i keep my catholic faith? Any advice, please

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Hi, i’m a catholic and my boyfriend is an anglican. I was wondering if i should join my boyfriend if we were to get married one day? He’s an evengelist and very active in his church. A week ago, we had an argument. He started to question my faith in God. He seems to look down on catholics. He said that catholics are blind and didn’t know the truth about God & Jesus. I was upset with his statement and didn’t know what to do or how to explain to him. He also didn’t like the way we pray to our Virgin Mary. He said “What Mary have to do in our daily prayers?” When we first met, he said that he accepted me the way i am right now but all of the sudden, he asked me to join him or it’s over between us. I’m really confused right now. Should i follow him or should i stay the way i am right now? Or maybe i could be both (follow him but keep my catholic faith)? Please help me…
Stay Catholic!! If he cannot respect your faith, you should not marry him. How can you be a soulmate with someone who looks down upon that which is most important to your soul?

Your Church was founded by Christ, his was founded by a king of England. Why would you want to switch?
I’d ask him if he has spent enough time really reading about the Catholic faith, or is he going by what other misinformed Protestants have said about Catholicism.

You could also have him listen to Scott Hahn’s conversion story.

If he refuses to educate himself, or if he continues to be this hostile to your faith even after educating himself, I would say he is not the one for you. A marriage where you are in conflict all the time about something as fundamental as faith is a disaster waiting to happen.
Stay with your faith. There are books edited by PAtrick Madrid called Surprised By Truth. They tell of converts stories to the Catholic faith and why they became Catholic. They are easy to read and will reinforce your faith. I wish I had taken my faith more seriously before I married - could have saved years of grief. Someone bullying you into their faith is no reason to look at that faith. What he is doing is emotional blackmail - not healthy for your relationship or your faith.
i don’t know if i can do that. He’s the first guy i ever feel comfortable with & i love him so much
little angel:
i don’t know if i can do that. He’s the first guy i ever feel comfortable with & i love him so much
Christ is more important. Better to be alone your whole life and faithful to Him than married and not. Since you are Catholic, rejecting the fullness of Christ’s Truth would be in a way rejecting Christ. There are many good Catholic men out there who will love you AND your faith. Don’t ever settle!🙂
thank you for the responses…i think i have to make my decision by september. Now i’m still futhering my study in a local university here in Malaysia. I will only meet my boyfriend in September. So, for the time being, i’ll just be patient & find a solution to this 🙂
Any sharing from those who have been married to one or almost married??🙂
Without thinking about your boyfriend, what is important to you in a future spouse? Make a list.

A lot of people would list shared faith. Would you? If you would, then you answered your own question. What may seem like something you are willing to compromise right now for love could ultimately destroy your potential marriage.

And what about your future children? Many children who are raised in a split faith home end up with no faith. It seems to teach them that it is not important. Is it important to you?

You obviously have some time to make this life altering (and soul altering) decision. Take this time to get more familiar with the Catholic faith. The more you learn about it the harder it would be for you to turn from it.

This is a very hard decision to make. But like someone else pointed out, it is a decsion between God and your boyfriend. That seems like an easy choice.

Of course there are mixed faith marriages that succeed as well as produce faithful children. But those marriages have RESPECT. From what you have written it sounds as though your boyfriend does not respect you or your faith… a very bad place to start a marriage.

I wish you luck with this and pray that God helps you to make the right decision…

Feanaro's Wife:
Without thinking about your boyfriend, what is important to you in a future spouse? Make a list.

A lot of people would list shared faith. Would you? If you would, then you answered your own question. What may seem like something you are willing to compromise right now for love could ultimately destroy your potential marriage.

And what about your future children? Many children who are raised in a split faith home end up with no faith. It seems to teach them that it is not important. Is it important to you?

You obviously have some time to make this life altering (and soul altering) decision. Take this time to get more familiar with the Catholic faith. The more you learn about it the harder it would be for you to turn from it.

This is a very hard decision to make. But like someone else pointed out, it is a decsion between God and your boyfriend. That seems like an easy choice.

Of course there are mixed faith marriages that succeed as well as produce faithful children. But those marriages have RESPECT. From what you have written it sounds as though your boyfriend does not respect you or your faith… a very bad place to start a marriage.

I wish you luck with this and pray that God helps you to make the right decision…

Thank you…by now i guess i know what i should do. He have to accept the way i am right now, right? i need his respect. If he doesn’t respect me and my faith, then why should i bother being with him? I might end up feeling sad and uncomfortable with him sooner or later…
little angel:
Thank you…by now i guess i know what i should do. He have to accept the way i am right now, right? i need his respect. If he doesn’t respect me and my faith, then why should i bother being with him? I might end up feeling sad and uncomfortable with him sooner or later…
I respect your courage. It is easy for us to give you advice when we don’t have to live your situation.

You are right, why should you bother being with a guy who does not respect you? You deserve a man who will love, respect, and cherish you.

You deserve a man who will help build your Faith in Jesus Christ, not try to change it. A husband should be there to spiritually support his wife in times of doubt (and her for him), not take advantage of the doubt to try and convert her. This guy is obviously not the one that the Lord has picked for you.

Pray and keep your heart open to new possibilities. You will know when it is the right man because you won’t have any questions. As long as you know what is important to you, you will recognize the man who thinks those things are important too!

Right now focus on your education.

Learn to be the woman that would make a good wife.

Let God lead you.

Good luck to you!

Please keep your faith. My wife is non-denominational and I am a Catholic convert. She respects my faith and I respect hers. If your boyfriend can not or WILL not except your faith, gets on you about it there is going to be trouble in your relationship. You do know what you have to do. Have strength little angel.
i’m crying right now. Thank you all for the advice and support. He is my first love and may be the last. But it hurts so much to be with a man who doesn’t respect me. I’m glad we had this talk. Thank you so much…Please pray for me

little angel:
i’m crying right now. Thank you all for the advice and support. He is my first love and may be the last. But it hurts so much to be with a man who doesn’t respect me. I’m glad we had this talk. Thank you so much…Please pray for me

I am sorry you are so sad.

I remember my first love. I was with him for almost 5 years. After about 6 months (now that I look back on it) I knew he wasn’t the guy for me, but I loved him soooo much.

But I allowed fear to make my decisions for me. I did not have any faith in God. I felt like my life would be nothing without my boyfriend… he was all I had. So I stayed in the relationship and things got worse.

But I can tell you that I felt much worse knowing that I wasted 5 years on a bad relationship than I would have felt if I got out when I should have. I have learned many life lessons the hard way.

I thank God that I did not marry him!!! I would have if he had asked…

I was very sad and lonely after we broke up. But I healed, and you will too.

I am now happily married to the man that introduced me to God and the Catholic faith. I feel like my life is on track and I feel God’s presence now that I have allowed Him in.

You are allowed to be sad, and cry. But let God be with you. Offer up your pain for all of the men and women who have lost spouses so that they may heal.

Feel free to PM me anytime to chat. You will get through this.

Feanaro's Wife:
I am sorry you are so sad.

I remember my first love. I was with him for almost 5 years. After about 6 months (now that I look back on it) I knew he wasn’t the guy for me, but I loved him soooo much.

But I allowed fear to make my decisions for me. I did not have any faith in God. I felt like my life would be nothing without my boyfriend… he was all I had. So I stayed in the relationship and things got worse.

But I can tell you that I felt much worse knowing that I wasted 5 years on a bad relationship than I would have felt if I got out when I should have. I have learned many life lessons the hard way.

I thank God that I did not marry him!!! I would have if he had asked…

I was very sad and lonely after we broke up. But I healed, and you will too.

I am now happily married to the man that introduced me to God and the Catholic faith. I feel like my life is on track and I feel God’s presence now that I have allowed Him in.

You are allowed to be sad, and cry. But let God be with you. Offer up your pain for all of the men and women who have lost spouses so that they may heal.

Feel free to PM me anytime to chat. You will get through this.

How can i PM you? This is my first time & i’m not sure how 🙂
little angel:
How can i PM you? This is my first time & i’m not sure how 🙂
Just click on my name at the top of this post. It should give you an option to send a private message to me. If you have any problems, let me know and i will do my best to help:)

Don’t leave your faith because someone wants you too. If your going to leve the faith, do so because you think it is a better truer faith. If he respects you, then he should atleast learn a bit from unbiased arguements. The biggest problem will end up later when you have children, then what to teach the children becomes a real big problem. Its hard enough even when the faiths are respected. Then the person that didn’t really take their faith seriously, starts too. Then things hashed out before, all of a sudden are not.

It’s better to lose a first love now, than to lose a first love later. If you fear loneliness now, it’ll be even worse if your married. Now I’m not going to say that this is going to be the situation, but I’m saying if you don’t stand your ground, and atleast make him respect your faith so long as you keep it, you could get into a situation where your happy right now, but will regreat later. If he loves you he should respect you, and recipically you respect him.

I know that this is tough. You’ll be in my prayers.
As someone in your boyfriends shoes let me tell you that

A) staying with him for the sake of staying with him is a mistake. If he isn’t ok with the rules of the Catholic church now wait untill he hears all the things that you have to accept when married…

B) DO NOT LIE TO KEEP THE RELATIONSHIP I don’t say this to be mean but I say it to help you avoid the pitfalls later on. My wife is catholic and lied to me about what the church enforces on infant babtism. Now I either compromise my faith or my wifes. If I go either way there will be pain and resentment. DON’T MAKE MY MISTAKE. You can’t assume that you will change him. This is cliche but too many women fall for it. Don’t get involved with someone thinking you will change him, you will only end up getting hurt.

Please don’t take my words as harsh, they are not meant to be. I just am gong through some heartache now because of a lie told four years ago. My wife though she would change me and didn’t realize how hurtfull it was. Don’t be like us.
Not only does he need to have respect for you, but very special reverence. If that’s absent, it’s a bit hard to imagine him always treating you as a lady in years to come. You are correct when you say that you need his respect. But you need his respect if you’re ever going to marry him. You don’t need his respect to serve God in your church.

If he questions your faith in God just because you stick with Rome instead of following King Henry, something is wrong with him, not with you. My sweetie is Protestant and not even the relatively close Anglican denomination. We do differ on things and there have been bitter words but none would even think about questionning the other’s faith in God.

His looking down on Catholics may well be a method of taking out his complex about splitting from the mainstream. You know, the mainstream founded by the Lord himself needs to have gone very wrong to justify a split. Or does he really claim that you can’t believe in God and petrine primacy both at one time, or some such?

There are Anglicans who pray to saints and even Anglicans with a Marian devotion. The third last Archbishop of Canterbury prayed at the grave of St Thomas a Beckett. So is an evangelist wiser than the ecclesiastical head of that church? Obviously, there are many sub-denominations within the Anglican church, differing largely from one another and there are groups of Anglicans who believe closer to Rome than to some other groups within their church. Should your evangelist boyfriend be awarded the monopoly for truth? And they say papal infallibility is absurd…

Still, this is not to criticise his faith. This is to shoot down his claims. Please note what he said in the beginning:

he said that he accepted me the way i am right now

only to say:

he asked me to join him or it’s over between us

The contradiction is obvious. Either he lied or he changed his mind 180 degrees. Either way, he has some serious consistency problems. Not the best material for a doctrinal, let alone spiritual guide, don’t you think? We have a number of wonderful Anglican posters here and I have no doubt that most of them would disagree with his attitude.

It may look easy for you to start going to his church, then to disavow the Pope, accept his stance on matters like divorce or purgatory, but what next? Stop praying to Holy Mary, to the saints… then what? You aren’t his private altar girl.

The littany isn’t going to find an end and sooner or later you won’t be able to agree with something. You will then want to take back all previous declarations and return to the faith you previously believed in clean conscience. Here’s the story of Bishop Bonner (click).

Plus, you don’t have any guarantee that he won’t dump you after you join his faith. I don’t want to invent accusations without merit, but what if he finds your faith insufficient and moves on to the next girl he’s going to try converting or finally settles down with a woman sharing his views in all matters? I’m getting a feeling it’s not so much about believing the true faith as about believing what he believes.

You are in my prayers and so is he. What suggestion I can give is you is pray, pray and pray a lot. Then find strength and confront him. A good idea might be to call it over before he calls it over and to give him reasons for doing so. You need a man but one who will bring you closer to God, who will respect you and support you. Who will love you with the love from Corinthians and be a husband from Ephesians.
As someone in your boyfriends shoes let me tell you that

A) staying with him for the sake of staying with him is a mistake. If he isn’t ok with the rules of the Catholic church now wait untill he hears all the things that you have to accept when married…

B) DO NOT LIE TO KEEP THE RELATIONSHIP I don’t say this to be mean but I say it to help you avoid the pitfalls later on. **My wife is catholic and lied to me about what the church enforces on infant babtism. ** Now I either compromise my faith or my wifes. If I go either way there will be pain and resentment. DON’T MAKE MY MISTAKE. You can’t assume that you will change him. This is cliche but too many women fall for it. Don’t get involved with someone thinking you will change him, you will only end up getting hurt.

**Please don’t take my words as harsh, they are not meant to be. I just am gong through some heartache now because of a lie told four years ago. My wife though she would change me and didn’t realize how hurtfull it was. ** Don’t be like us.
Although you say your words aren’t meant to be harsh, they are indeed. You blame your wife for lying to you about her Catholic faith. You act like you were the innocent dupe of a lying Catholic woman. How can we Catholic women see such statements as anything but harsh?

You need to take some responsibility for where you and your wife are in your marriage and stop blaming her. It takes two to tango. If this is where you are in your relationship with your wife, you need to do a lot of praying. There is much bitterness in your post here and in the thread you started. Harden not your heart! Get over your anger and love your wife. Before it is too late.
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