Should I Still Let My 15 Yo Sleep With Their "blanket"?

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You guys are so sweet. I can see, unanimously that it’s not a bad thing to let my dear son have his “blankie”. I suppose you’re all very right! Wow–I can sure see too, it’s not so weird, as so many of you have little precious momentos from your childhood too–Winnie the Poo, armadillos that one dad sleeps with, (how cute). And I had to just laugh—NO he does not exit the home with his blankie, nor carry it around the house–just cuddles with it occasionally. The thing that’s so funny is that this particular son is such a “tough guy”----big and strong and strong-willed, (look-out)—he wants to be a policeman some day. Can just see the blankie showing up at the police academy~~:o

Thx guys!!!🙂 The only momento I have is a special teddy that my favorite aunt (the one who wears Youth Dew–in Water Cooler Fragrance thread) gave me when I was 3. I’ve sewn him together numerous times, and still like to feel his ruffled fur–😃 although I don’t sleep with him or anything other than my burly bear hubby. I suppose I wish I had kept more of my stuffed animals I had when I was a kid----mom and dad threw them all out when they moved.:confused: Gosh-----
my 12 yr old daughter still sleep with a stuffed bunny my mom bought for her before she was born, in fact, she has to have it to sleep, she rubs its ears, they are velvety, she forgot it during a weekend trip over this summer and oh, the tears, Hey, they grow up way too fast, so I say keep the blanket 😃
This is SO cute~~~:)
Um, I still have my Paddington Bear and I am 30. True, I don’t sleep with it but I still give it a big hug when I see it. 😃
Oh–how I love Paddington Bear! and all the stories too! My children adored the Paddington books when they were small!
carol marie:
A blanket? No biggie whatsoever. Some parents are worried that their 15 year old sons are sleeping with their girlfriends.

AMEN ! He could be sleeping with a lot worse.

I am 23, a mother of one and one on the way, and I have slept with my blankie every night of my life, as long as I can remember. Yes, I took it to college with me. No one cared. My husband doesn’t care, though he does throw Blankie out of the bed on occasion. 😉

I love my blankie.
Yep, that’s me (except for the mother part). I don’t have kids yet, but that blanket and my childhood teddy bear sit on my bed every day and can often be found under the covers at night. my mom still torments me a bit, but I figure -
  1. I CAN sleep without them. I’m sure your son can too so what’s the big deal?
  2. I don’t take them out of the house to work with me or something. I’m perfectly capable of seeing what’s “normal” and what’s not.
    and 3. can’t we all use a little comfort in our lives? Who cares if we get it from reading a book, watching a good movie, seeing a counsellor or snuggling up with a cherished toy?
good for your son.
As a Charlie Brown comic once said (and I still have it in my keepsake book), “We blanket holders are far superior to normal types.”
My son-in-law, age 28, still has one of the Original “Pac-man” stuff toys from the early 80’s. He about to become a father for a 3rd time but will not part with that silly toy. My daughter has sewed, taped, whatever to keep the stuffing in (actually she would like to throw it out:D )
Thx guys!!!🙂 The only momento I have is a special teddy that my favorite aunt (the one who wears Youth Dew–in Water Cooler Fragrance thread) gave me when I was 3. I’ve sewn him together numerous times, and still like to feel his ruffled fur–😃 although I don’t sleep with him or anything other than my burly bear hubby. I suppose I wish I had kept more of my stuffed animals I had when I was a kid----mom and dad threw them all out when they moved.:confused: Gosh-----
great aunt made me a teddy bear of brown cotton broadcloth, with button eyes, and he wore a blue gingham overall. She gave it to me when I was about 3 and in every picture of me for the next 10 years I am holding this bear. She was a prof. photographer and took lots of me and older kids in my family (until she died). The bear finally just wore out, could not be mended any more. I still miss that bear, can’t even remember if I gave him a name.
My DH still has the pillow his grandma made him when he was 5 years old. A nice old feather pillow. He can’t sleep on anything else.
carol marie:
A blanket? No biggie whatsoever. Some parents are worried that their 15 year old sons are sleeping with their girlfriends.
Now THAT puts things in perspective!!!
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