Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legalized?

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Legalizing marijuana makes it seem OK to use. The investors are hoping that new users give it a try to become long-term users. They are not talking about the negative health effects. This is a bad idea. Another social experiment and needless health problems down the road.

When marijuana was illegal, I was never arrested because I never had any.
This thread is like a monument to question begging and circular reasoning.
Does anybody think it would be morally acceptable to sell marijuana? How about working in a business that sold marijuana?
Millions work at Walmart and other stores that sell cigarettes, prophylactics, smutty magaziines and in many states, beer, wine and whiskey.

I don’t think its necessarily a problem at all to work there.
“horribly maimed” Are there other descriptions you’d like to try? Guns have nothing to do with this.
Guns are protected at every level in this country despite the horrible amount of carnage they enable people to create annually in the US. The butcher’s bill for our 2nd amendment is ridiculous. If you really care about public safety, where is your call for more firearms regulation and restriction at all levels of government?
I don’t see the logic of people who think that outlawing firearms or vastly restricting them even more will somehow eliminate violence.

I was doing a little history reading, looking back at the Golden Horde and the Punic Wars- very violent times. A lot of people killed or maimed.

And those events were long before firearms were even invented.
The bishops conference in my state said not to vote Yes to legalize it so there’s that.

That’s how I was leaning anyhow. I mean it passed but you know. Mob rule ftw.
When I smoked pot, besides the horrible anxiety attacks, I’m surprised I didn’t have a terrible car accident. I was MUCH more impaired than driving after drinking alcohol. Maybe my friend and I smoked too much of it.
We’d share a joint or 1/2 a joint.
Not trying to belabor the point or beat you up after the fact, but you shouldn’t drive after drinking alcohol (at least more than like one drink) or smoking pot.
Oh, I TOTALLY agree. This was back 35 - 40 years ago when I was stupid and trying to fit in a group. It was, for me, mainly just a way to fit in and identify with a group.
Indeed, however, the sheer ease of one person committing mass violence didn’t exist before easily–used firearms.

Major battles are something else entirely, but there’s something wrong when one person can not only outkill a Roman army squad, but that happens several times a year.

The Second Amendment is not going anywhere (and I for one don’t really know whether that is good or bad), but while the amendment has always been there, this country has NOT always had the level of mass killing we see now. That’s 21st century all the way.

If something is immoral and also illegal, changing the law won’t make it moral.

I for one would not grow pot, sell it or work in a pot oriented business even if the federal law changed tomorrow. Nor would I use it. Ever.

Businesses (if such there be) that handle it only as a side line, would to my mind be ok.

If it is not ok to work in a store that sells marijuana then is it ok to work for a business that has as a major client stores that sell marijuana or farms that grow marijuana?
I agree with you, but I also voted to make it legal in my state.

Like alcohol, I’d prefer it was a legal vice that is better controlled.
Fair enough.

But personally, I’m not convinced that legalizing it will lead to better control of it.
But personally, I’m not convinced that legalizing it will lead to better control of it.
I think it will lead to increased usage, but the criminal aspect is greatly reduced. This shifts the discussion to what is healthy and productive to your life.
I think it will lead to increased usage, but the criminal aspect is greatly reduced. This shifts the discussion to what is healthy and productive to your life.
It’s perfectly consistent to think that smoking marijuana isn’t a good idea, but that the criminal justice system isn’t the right context to deal with it. Not unlike cigarettes, for example. (Although I’d much rather someone be an occasional moderate user of marijuana than a regular smoker of cigarettes, and I think most doctors would agree with me.)
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Using marijuana can impair your judgment, motor coordination, ability to concentrate, and slow your reaction time. Therefore, it can impair your driving skills. Anytime the skills needed to drive safely are impaired, even slightly, the chances of having an auto crash increase.

Specifically, studies have found that marijuana use affects the driver’s concentration and ability to perceive time and distance. This may lead to poor speed control, drowsiness, distraction, and the inability to read road signs accurately.

The Chances of Crashing Increases​

More than one research study has found a direct link between THC (the psychoactive chemical in marijuana) concentration in the blood and impaired driving skills.

An analysis of several studies has found that the risk of being involved in a motor vehicle crash significantly increases after using marijuana. Another meta-analysis estimates that the risk of a crash that results in serious injury or death doubles after marijuana use.

In the 2015 “Traffic Safety Facts: Drug and Alcohol Crash Risk” report, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) notes that THC increased crash risk by 1.25 times. This figure took into account contributing factors such as alcohol use and testing procedures for intoxication, so it is actually lower than some contradictory reports.

Some studies also note that high-risk groups for car accidents are those most likely to use marijuana. Most notably, this is young men in their late teens and 20s. This could play a factor in some of the statistics as well.
The criminal aspect will just have their men on the street sell marijuana for less. No one wants to pay taxes so they’ll still turn a profit. Marijuana is not healthy for a person.
I don’t think anyone is arguing that driving while high should be legal.
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