Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legalized?

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It can, it doesn’t necessarily have to. Same with alcohol. The fact that it can be abused doesn’t mean everyone has to avoid it. Its all about individuals knowing themselves and their individual limits and weaknesses. For some people it might be a serious occasion of sin. For others, not so much.
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Carmelite1983 said:
If it alters your mind or makes you make bad decisions, it’s sinful.
An “it” cannot be sinful. Hammers are not sinful, abusing one with a whack up side someone’s head is
Marijuana is not sinful, abusing it is.
Where it is illegal, using it is sinful not because marijuana is bad, but because disobeying just laws is immoral.

Likewise alcohol: the substance itself is morally neutral, but abusing it is immoral.
Driving over the alcohol limit is immoral, even if it’s a delicious pint of Guiness. If you are drink one and drive over the limit that is a sin, because you are breaking a just law.

A lot of confusion can be saved in moral discussions by keeping the following in mind:
morality evaluates human acts, not substances.
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It has established negative health effects and it is wrong to make it legal.
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edwest said:
It has established negative health effects and it is wrong to make it legal.
so then you are in favor of making alcohol illegal (again)?
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That’s exactly what I mean. I do think that the oil used for medicinal purposes, IF it really doesn’t make one high, and IF other people aren’t inhaling it, should be legal.
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Fair enough.
But anything addictive can lead to sin.
Most potheads (myself included), refuse(d) to believe it is addictive.
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There’s no doubt that even a small (effective) amount will cloud your judgement and change your inhibitions.

I’m not saying it’s all bad. I wouldn’t be upset if it was legal, I just know it’s not completely harmless morally.

Same with alcohol.
A few drinks is usually fine. Getting wasted is the problem.
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I’m wondering if Leftists advance the cause of legalization of marijuana in order to make a larger portion of the populace ambivalent about the Left’s advancement of the socialist, government-control system.
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theoretically, so could a million other things.
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1cthlctrth said:
I’m wondering if Leftists advance the cause of legalization of marijuana in order to make a larger portion of the populace ambivalent about the Left’s advancement of the socialist, government-control system.
I’m anything but a leftist and I am in favor of legalizing marijuana because truckloads of people are getting killed over the illegal trade of it. That’s my reason for legalizing it. It’s a practical matter in my view.
And no case can be made that mariuana is more harmful that alcohol. Or cigarettes for that matter, although cigarettes don’t alter your judgment like the other.
But cigarettes are a health scourge that preys predominantly on the poor. Outlaw those.
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That has been shown to be the case. A clear-headed populace with a desire for social stability is not desirable.
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Where is your evidence for “truckloads of people”? Gang violence over the remaining illegal drugs will continue. Marijuana grow houses will continue to be found and raided. The contents confiscated.
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Forgive me if this is unpersuasive. The first statement also applies to any number of things I doubt you’d want enforced by the criminal justice system (hope you’re also ready to criminalize alcohol, cigarettes, cheeseburgers, sugary drinks, failure to get sufficient exercise, forgetting to floss, and not going to bed at a reasonable hour) and the second statement is just a restatement of your conclusion, which is hardly an argument in itself.
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I think you’re conflating “sobriety” and “free will.”

Just like with alcohol, there are degrees of high. Someone can get a little affected but not completely wasted and still in control of themselves.
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My walk yesterday was ruined by the stench of cannabis because some inconsiderate jerks were using it in public.
Smell is hardly a reason to make something illegal, or we would have banned a lot of things. Also this argument does nothing to CBD oil.
The fact of the matter is, is that the RCC is strongly opposed to the legalization of recreational marijuana use.
I definitely respect and agree with their current stance. Legalisation should be done according to research, and the research should be permitted.

Their current arguments don’t cover CBD oil, which has been made legal in Denmark without condemnation from bishop Chezlaw Kozon, who is an excellent and rather conservative bishop at that.
The thc content in most marijuana today is very high. Not all alcohol is everclear. But most marijuana today isn’t mids

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goout said:
I am in favor of legalizing marijuana because truckloads of people are getting killed over the illegal trade of it. That’s my reason for legalizing it.
People are getting murdered over back alley abortion, cocaine dealing, prostitution, and meth trade too! Better legalize those!
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Obey just laws.

Moderation in all things.
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