My husband went on anti-depressants because he was suicidal. He was on them for 3 years and also went to counciling for a while. Not all anti-depressant work for all people, my husband had to switch meds several times. The contraversy behind people being suicidal on anti-depressants is that usually you go on anti-depressants because you are depressed. Depressed people can be suicidal. If that particular med isn’t working, your still going to be depressed. Sometimes even more so because of the frustration of it not working and some cause unpleasant side effects in some people.Now hold on a second. I used Zoloft for 3 years because I was manipulated by the doctors and my mother into thinking I needed it. I didn’t. I’m not talking about people who have bi-polar disorder, or other phycosis. I’m saying they are over prescribed, and many people use them as a band-aide instead of dealing with the actual problem that is causing depression. Pain, both physical and emotional, is very real, and I know…I have experienced both. But medicating in order to avoid real life is not the answer. And they didn’t all kill themselves…suicide is the highest now with all the anti-depressants. They are starting to put warnings on these drug stating that the risk of suicide is high while on them…now isn’t that interesting?
I saw an amazing change in my husband once his depression was treated. He went from barely being able to get himself off the couch, to working out in the yard and growing his own garden. I used to have to harrass him just to get the grass cut. He smiled, he laughed, he started living again. He is off them now and doing fine. When your in darkness it’s often hard to find the light. With anti depressants my husband found the light and now can live a “normal” life. Just because your experience was negative doesn’t mean anti depressants can’t help others.
I resent people calling anti-deppressants a crutch. Like I said before life is painful physically and emotionally. After surgery we need meds to help us with the pain, people who suffer migraines take meds to help them. Nobody says to them it’s life, deal with it. Trauma can cause very real emotionally pain. Anti-deppressants can help in the healing process.