Should religious wear the traditional habit?

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I respect your opinions and all that, but there is really nothing wrong whatsoever with woman wearing pants. I mean, not the skin tight lower than low jeans that girls wear nowadays, but modest pants. I wear them all the time and that doesn’t make me a bad Christian, and it certainly doesn’t mean that I’m going against God. I wear them because their comfortable. I wear skirts and dresses to church.
I live my life in a Christian and moral way. I have never dated, or kissed a boy, I’ve never even uttered a cuss word! I don’t see anything un-christian like in me wearing pants. So try not to imply that, it’s very insulting and demeaning to some people here.
I do agree that pants do not belong on a nun. Only a habit belongs on a nun.
But I will also disagree with you about the more modern habits. I don’t see anything wrong with the habits that are a little bit shorter, and the lighter veils. I know a Sister of Schoenstatte, and they wear those kinds of habits. They are the most holy woman I’ve ever met. Where I live the weather is usually 100 degrees in the shade, so unless you want nuns dropping dead from heat stroke, the more modern habits are better.
Not to be nit-picky, but I never said what kind of modern habits I don’t like. I’m fine with the somewhat shorter ones and the lighter veils and even the coloured veils, even those cute corny ones. What I don’t like are the pantsuit habits I’ve seen, the ones that use pants–and shorts in summer–and the top that is worn is just a huggy cardigan, etc. I’m talking about habits that don’t even LOOK like habits. Jumpers somewhat look like habits.
i don’t totally agree with most of the responses, yes, it’s very good that nuns wear the habit…but if they don’t it.s ok too, as long as it is decent. and personally, what’s wrong with a veil that’s light andn see-through? is it a sin for the hair to show? i was just wondering. that’s just me. 🙂 God bless everyone, and all the sisters and religious, we love you!
Yes, I believe they should wear a habit. It’s a sign of their solemn vows and it’s a witness to lay people to see religious in the habit of their order.
I believe that wearing the habit of one’s religious order is a beautiful way of showing their love for God. Sure, they open themselves up to disrespect from anti-Catholics, but Jesus never renounced any of His teachings once the soldiers began beating Him.

I also think it is a great form of penance. Many religious orders that I have researched seem to shy away from the severe penances that they had observed for centuries. I think this discipline is necessary for preserving the spiritual life of such religious. It seems to me that God would be offended if they wore secular clothes without a good reason. Are they afraid of what others will think? Are they tired of being asked why they wear such clothes?

Personally, I expect religious to wear the religious habits so that I can identify them. What if someone needs a priest, and can’t find him simply because he blends in with all of the other people?

That being said, I understand that there are certain factors that may keep religious from wearing the traditional habit (religious persecution, health issues, etc…)
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