That would be directly related to the shorter sentences, no?Compared with the United States, the prison population rate in Norway is very low, as it is in most European countries.
I live in Norway, and our justice system is far from perfect. Just a few days ago a pedophile who had raped two small girls was sentenced to just a year of prison, and there are many more cases like his. The lack of retribution has resulted in Norwegians in general becoming less trusting of the judicial system, and vigilante justice is relatively widely practiced.
Also, while it’s true that the reincarceration rate is lower in Norway, this is not the case for all types of criminals. Generally, people sentenced for violence for the first time do benefit from a lenient and compassionate environment like the Norwegian prisons, but more hardened criminals and more economically motivated people are often reincarcerated, and those convicted of drug-related violent crimes have a 75% chance of going back to prison.