Yes. He’s a big boy. He knew what he was doing.
That said, you Americans better start rethinking the second amendment pretty soon
Disclaimer: I do NOT own guns and perhaps never will. The only weapon I’m
considering purchasing is a bow and arrow.
You have to understand the purpose of the second amendment and the reason why there are people who support the legal purchase of semi-automatic weapons.
The purpose of the second amendment is to allow the people a way to seek organizatized rebellion against an oppressive govt.
Regardless if that govt is the United States govt or an invading army.
The United States Constitution gives the power to the people. For the people to have the power, the people must have the ability to overthrow the govt, first by vote, but by force if necessary.
By removing the 2nd Amendment and/or outlawing semi-automatics, you severely limit the ability of citizens to organize a civilian army to wage a revolution.
NOTE: I am NOT advocating for anarchy or vigilantism, but I am acknowledging the right of local govts to vote for independence from the United States and (God forbid) local govts the right to vote for a Civil War. Disclaimer 2: during the American Civil War, I would have been on the side of the Union.
God Bless