Should the 19 year old Florida school shooter be given the death penalty?

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I gave up the news for Lent. So I don’t know all the particulars about this, only that there was another school shooting in FL. As such, it would be unfair of me to vote.
Presumably there are a nonzero number of people out there who would do stuff like this if they could avoid dying. What does letting him live (barring mitigating circumstances) say to them?
He should be executed because God set capitol punishment as the appropriate judgement. The effect on what someone else may or may not due should not be the basis for obedience.
I’m not aware of any school of opinion within Catholic moral theology that the state has a duty in principle to impose the death penalty. So obviously, what effect the death penalty will have on society is perfectly relevant.
The State does not have to practice Capital Punishment!

And I dont think his being put to death would prevent others from committing these crimes. They are predominantly suicidal.
The deterrent effect is irrelevant. He’s either evil or broken. He needs to be rendered permanently safe.
The evidence against the Florida school shooting suspect is so overwhelming, the only question left for the courts if he is convicted is whether he will be sentenced to death or spend the rest of his life in prison.
There shouldn’t be such a thing as capital punishment in the US. So no.
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Actually … not true.

There is no such thing as a prisoner being “neutralized” for life.

Daily exercise is mandatory … which requires several guards to supervise.

ACLU has demanded benefits for prisoners.

Maximum security prisoners took over a prison in Delaware and killed a corrections officer by stabbing him 100 times … slowly.

And there is NOTHING you can do to punish a lifer.
Arkansan, you missed my point. Regardless of whether a would be “whatever” is deterred or not by CP doesn’t change the Scripture Genesis 9:6. It’s right because God said so.
Need much more information and review…the investigators still need to do a LOT of work!
He who sheds mans blood by man shall his blood be shed.

Or something like that.
I do not believe that the death penalty is morally justified. The only time where a human can kill another human is if it is the only way to neutralize the threat. He’s not a threat now.
The Vatican had its own executioner for a very long time. If it wasn’t morally justifiable I doubt they’d have had one.
Yes but back then they didn’t have the ability to keep them out of society, now we do.

Romans 12:19

“Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord.”
Here is a cery good article which explains the Church’s position on the DP until recently: Capital Punishment: The Case for Justice by J. Budziszewski | Articles | First Things

He starts off by explaining that “Justice is giving each what is due to him. So fundamental is the duty of public authority to requite good and evil in deeds that natural law philosophers consider it the paramount function of the state, and the New Testament declares that the role is delegated to magistrates by God Himself. “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution,” says St. Peter, “whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right” (1 Peter 2: 13-14). St. Paul agrees: {continues)”

He continues: "
So weighty is the duty of justice that it raises the question whether mercy is permissible at all. By definition, mercy is punishing the criminal less than he deserves, and it does not seem clear at first why not going far enough is any better than going too far. We say that both cowardice and rashness miss the mark of courage, and that both stinginess and prodigality miss the mark of generosity; why do we not say that both mercy and harshness miss the mark of justice? Making matters yet more difficult, the argument to abolish capital punishment is an argument to categorically extend clemency to all those whose crimes are of the sort that would be requitable by death."

And explains how position very well. A good article for all to read.
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