With increased calls from liberals for the IRS to lift the Catholic Church’s tax exempt status for public opposition to the HHS Mandate, I recently did a little research on the regulations for 501(c) 3 non-for-profit organizations. What I found seems incredible
America’s Churches never were subject to taxation! From founding of the country and past the institution of the first permanent Income Tax in 1913, churches were simply not taxed
In 1954, Senator Lyndon Johnson, a strident opponent of the Catholic Church, proposed legislation offering religious institutions the “opportunity” to acquire 501(c) 3 status in exchange for agreeing to refrain from engaging in most political activity. As LBJ later admitted, his intention was to “eliminate the significant influence the church has always had on public policy”
It was a trap, and for whatever reason, America’s clergy agreed to surrender their First Amendment rights to avoid paying taxes they had never been required to pay!
Here is an article I posted in one of our blogs that goes into greater detail and calls for America’s Churches to renounce their 501(c) 3 status