^^ Ridgerunner has the right idea, in fact to bring the best young adults over to the USA for various other types of vocations.
I spent 3 years in Botswana, but spent a fair amount of time in Uganda. The finest Christians I have ever met in my life, faith is in every aspect of their life to the morning prayer & songs in a secular school to AIDS prevention. The best we can do is share with Christian & especially Catholic communities.
And by the way, of ALL the charities on Earth, from saving wildlife to humans [what a concept] Catholic Relief Services etc have the best record of bringing the donations to the people, not buying SUVs and hotel rooms. I want to say 93 cents on the dollar. I told many Africans “I am here to share learning & life, not look at elephants” Africans are astounded the $$ people pay to save or see wildlife, while their children die of bad waterborne diseases.
And Christians in Africa have to deal with Islam militancy [just look at Nigeria] and hideous evil magic [beyond hideous] as well as Western missionaries trying to convert them to new flavors of Christianity, like Latin America, they call our faith “fetish Christianity”