I know its not really related to the topic, but isnt it strange, they play the anthem at all these games, people stand, take their hats off, appear to be so patriotic, but then turn around and are completely obedient to a tyrannical govt?!! This seems like a slap in the face to the founding fathers and what they wanted this nation to be.As for the anthem why do we have to be inflicted with it before every sporting match? It was a war measure to encourage people to want to die for the state. Like all war measures it lasts forever.
Pro sports and even college sports are absolutely and completely corrupt, its not about the game, its about money, the advertisers could not care less about the game, they are down with whatever is popular as long it makes them money, I truly believe the old Roman games would be insanely popular today if they brought them back, advertisers would jump right on board as long as they were popular enough.