Should we be grateful to the doctors?

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From an Iraqi:

Should we be grateful to the doctors?
According to this guy Iraqis in general should not be grateful to Americas otherwise they’re traitors or they have their own agenda. His whole argument brought to my mind this story that I read about recently in Al Bayan newspaper (link in Arabic):

"Young Iraqi man get treated in Israel from a heart disease."

According to %between%An Israeli newspaper reported that a young Iraqi from Kirkuk had a successful heart surgery in a hospital in Bateh Takfa(sp?). The family of the young man said that they could not afford the expenses of the surgery and so went to a humanitarian aid that arranged for their son to be transferred and treated in Israel for free.
“I never believed that I’d visit Israel one day” said the young man, “I’ll tell everyone in my town about the goodness of the people of Israel. I have no more words but to thank the Israeli doctors”

How dare he seek the help of the Zionists to save his life! I’m sure the terrorists (err, the freedom fighters) will deal with him when he returns, and when he get killed I hope the Israeli doctors feel proud for jeopardizing this young man’s life. The strangest thing is that he’s grateful! I’m confused as what are his motives and why he’s so thrilled about this! Hmmm, I don’t want to judge him but he seems to have an agenda of his own, otherwise why did he chose Israel to be treated in among all his enormous options?! He could’ve waited for an offer from France for example! It isn’t like his case was that urgent!

I mean this young man’s story is very similar to to the story of all Iraq. We were all dying before the Americans came and saved us from the chronic lethal disease that Saddam was. Now that we have a new real life we are faced with serious dangers everyday by those who refuse to see us enjoy such a life. Should we be grateful to the ‘doctors’ or not? I guess the young man has the answer.

And finally I’d like to say to all those who attack me and my brothers that I’m sorry I won’t be able to debate with you from now on, as I’m in the middle of a big conspiracy that should end in the toppling of the Iraqi president (oops did it again! meant Allawi the puppet) and replace him with another puppet. You know, puppets are all kind of “made in Hong Kong” these days and they need to be replaced every now and then to keep things going.
Talk to ya later mate (you can’t judge me on this one, can you?) I’m done talking, as I’m preparing for a campaign and I intend to LIVE and I intend to vote.
Wow I didn’t realize liberal Democrats had infiltrated Iraq as well. This guy sounds as looney as some of our own leftists.

BTW it’s on par with the country that refused to let Isralis come in and help after the tsunami.

Lisa N
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