Should we fast as Christians

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This was also a question that’s specific something came up in my feed that said something about Ramadan . For this I took it out of my feef was this wrong I mean as we stand I reject the teachings of Islam?

Secondly do Christians fast does the lord or Jesus ever talk about fasting ? Should I fast?
Note, Jesus said “WHEN” not “IF”:

Matthew, chapter 6

“When you fast,* do not look gloomy like the hypocrites. They neglect their appearance, so that they may appear to others to be fasting. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.

But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to others to be fasting, except to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees what is hidden will repay you."

Edit to add: Observing the days of fasting is one of the precepts of the Church.
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Secondly do Christians fast does the lord or Jesus ever talk about fasting ?
Have you read the Gospels? One of the MAJOR events is Jesus fasting in the desert for forty days.
Should I fast?
Fasting has been encouraged by the Church since Day 1. Long before the Muslims came on the scene. It’s kind of demphasized now, but at it’s peak, Catholics were required to fast about 160 days out of the year, and the rules for fasting were much stricter than they are now: no animal products (except fish as an occasional “treat”, no dairy products or eggs, no oil, no wine.
YES, fasting is a very common and good form of prayer. It is mentioned in Matthew 6, Luke 18, Acts 14, and of course when Our Lord fasted for 40 days, which is why we participate in fasting during Lent (though not JUST during lent).

It was a common practice within Judaism and is why it carries on in Christianity.

I highly recommend fasting.

My friend’s dad does a form of fasting where he won’t eat anything until he has dedicated at least 20 minutes of prayer each day.

Maybe avoid one meal on Fridays or continue to fast from meat that day. Fast for penance, etc. Great form of prayer and very important.

I do intermittent fasting everyday (fast for 16 hours and allows an 8 hour window to eat). Some days I will only have one meal or no meals (just water and green tea). While that is sort of a health thing, the hunger pains can hit sometimes and it’s a great way to embrace it and rely on God and offer it up for others.
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Yes, I believe we should fast. Jesus never gave step-by-step instructions on what to fast from, so you can pretty much fast from whatever you want. You can fast from coffee, energy drinks, anger, meat, sex, watching sports, video games, etc. Fasting has given me a closer relationship with God and I believe that the same thing can happen for you.
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To follow Christ:
  1. Deny yourself (i.e. food - fasting)
  2. Take up your cross (i.e. suffering)
  3. Follow Christ.
So often we reverse that order for the sake of convenience.
You can always follow the Eastern Fasting traditions in addition to the Latin Church’s. We’re in a Fasting Period right now (The Apostles’ Fast). It will end on June 29th on the Feasts of Sts Peter and Paul. The strict tradition of Fasting in the East has one basically abstaining or fasting or both for about half the year.

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