With respect, if you are lamenting how hard it is with such young children, then you *are *robbing him of the freedom to go. I am pregnant with my 7th and my husband travels all the time for work. However, we have also determined that he will travel with our older children to the places they should see since it’s too expensive to go as a family. He and my 12 y/o son left this afternoon for the Grand Canyon (please pray, BTW) and I am left to cart the 1 1/2- 10 year olds to softball games, homeschool parties and who-knows where else while *they *enjoy sightseeing and relaxing by hotel pools. There is NO respite with DH and the oldest child gone. But!!! It is good and right that they go and God will bless us abundantly for our generosity.
If those two little ones are that much work, perhaps you need to establish a routine so that you can get some time out in the evening. Use paper plates, save movies for when hubby is gone, eat out when he is gone, etc. (All of this “constructive criticism” is only applicable if there is not some physical or mental challenge of which we are unaware)
Put a smile on and tell him that he must go, and you and the kids will find some special, fun things to do together while he is gone.
Oh, and I do agree with you that travelling such a distance for such a formal occasion is out-of-the-question at their ages.