Should we protest this?

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This group says they support Vatican II, then turn around and says they want us to accept homos…what gives?

Catholics’ call to action

By Jennifer Garza
Published 2:15 am PST Saturday, March 19, 2005

Over the past few years, Caryl Callsen and others say, they have felt left out of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento.

"I wondered, ‘Where are the progressive voices? What about social justice issues?’ " says Callsen, who attends St. Christopher in Galt.

To fill this void, Callsen and others recently formed a Sacramento chapter of Call to Action, an organization of progressive Catholics who seek, among other things, the implementation of the recommendations made by Vatican II. The group is made up of laity, religious and clergy.

The West Coast Conference of Call to Action will be held April 1-3 at the Holiday Inn Northeast, 5231 Date St.

Featured speakers will include authors Miriam Therese Winter and Anthony Padovano.

Call to Action would like the church to consider such issues as the acceptance of gays and lesbians in the church, optional celibacy and the ordination of women. Social justice concerns such as poverty, health care and peace are another focus.

Conference organizers expect a big turnout, which they say reflects the need for more discussion within the church.

“A lot of people are responding to the message,” says Callsen. For more information: (209) 295-2151.
That was my reaction. Unless I am mistaken that Vatican II accepts the homo behavior, and condones same-sex marriage etc.
That was my reaction. Unless I am mistaken that Vatican II accepts the homo behavior, and condones same-sex marriage etc.
you’re not. gay clergy indeed…:mad: :mad:
I read some on these people’s web sites, including an article by a gay who got expelled from the Jesuits. I guess they decided not to conform to him.

Dude’s article was calling for a “democratic” Church through discernment of spirits, rather than top-down.
That was my reaction. Unless I am mistaken that Vatican II accepts the homo behavior, and condones same-sex marriage etc.
will you please cite the Vatican II document with paragraph numbers that condones homosexual behavior and same sex-marriage. If you cannot do so, please do not make such allegations.

as for the headline and very nasty first sentance of the first post, the Catholic Church accepts everyone, that is why it is Catholic. All are held to the same commandments, the same unchanging moral teaching, to belief in the same doctrine, and fidelity to the same pope and magesterial authority. All members of the Church on earth are sinners, all are disordered in their desires, it is called concupiscence and is the result of original sin. All members of the Church are in need of continuing conversion and total reliance on Jesus Christ and the sacraments He gives us to bring us into union with Him.
will you please cite the Vatican II document with paragraph numbers that condones homosexual behavior and same sex-marriage. If you cannot do so, please do not make such allegations.
I think this is just a case of ambiguous wording. I’m pretty sure that Jeffrey is saying that he (correctly, I might add) understands Vatican II to not condone homosexual behavior. That is why he concurs with antiaphrodite’s “eh?”
Jeffrey said:
This group says they support Vatican II, then turn around and says they want us to accept homos…what gives?

Catholics’ call to action

By Jennifer Garza

Published 2:15 am PST Saturday, March 19, 2005

Over the past few years, Caryl Callsen and others say, they have felt left out of the Catholic Diocese of Sacramento.

"I wondered, ‘Where are the progressive voices? What about social justice issues?’ " says Callsen, who attends St. Christopher in Galt.

To fill this void, Callsen and others recently formed a Sacramento chapter of Call to Action, an organization of progressive Catholics who seek, among other things, the implementation of the recommendations made by Vatican II. The group is made up of laity, religious and clergy.

The West Coast Conference of Call to Action will be held April 1-3 at the Holiday Inn Northeast, 5231 Date St.

Featured speakers will include authors Miriam Therese Winter and Anthony Padovano.

Call to Action would like the church to consider such issues as the acceptance of gays and lesbians in the church, optional celibacy and the ordination of women. Social justice concerns such as poverty, health care and peace are another focus.

Conference organizers expect a big turnout, which they say reflects the need for more discussion within the church.

“A lot of people are responding to the message,” says Callsen. For more information: (209) 295-2151.

As a Catholic Christian I support their social justice concerns. I am not certain that our approaches to these problems are similar. I do not take a progressive (i.e. liberal) approach to social justice, but a practical one. I believe in treating all persons with dignity, and welcome all who would come to the Church to participate in its life and worship. I do not believe persons should be given special recognition in the Church simply because of their sexual preferences or gender. There are valid reasons which need not be undermined as to why the Church accepts a celibate and male clergy. Celibacy, as a requirement for the priesthood, may be a small “t” tradition, but a male clergy is a big “T” tradition.
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