Should we retun to Folk music at the Mass!

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And thinking more about this, what about churches outside of Europe and the US and the West in general? Should not African churches have music in traditions more familiar to African ears? And Indian Catholics, and Chinese Catholics, etc.
Despite the fact that Chinese missionaries were given permission to say Mass in the vernacular in something like the 1500’s many still to this day insist that preserving local language and culture is a singular advent of Vatican 2.

There is also a belief that the western traditions, developed over centuries of singularly western influence, are somehow more worthy than the traditions and music of other cultures. I find this to be a pure shame, and depending on what is stated, a sickening harkening back to when cultural genocide was considered an acceptable form of evangelization.
Many years ago we had a choir director who was a classical guitarist, and worked for practice time on the church organ so he could get his music degree. He made Bach’s “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” sound pretty good as an instrumental. At my current cathedral parish, we use strings and organ for that same piece. Classical guitar can be pretty good in a small church. I am not talking about teens strumming the only three chords they know.;_ylt=AwrDQ2r_JsdZCV0AIV00nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZ2N0cmxpBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMg--?p=Jesu%2C+Joy+of+man’s+Desiring%3D+Guitar&vid=362f782cead517f9cf859e2838c1bc58&
This brings up a main problem with modern church music. If a parish will not pay for a professional to lead, inspire, and beautify the liturgy, you get what you pay for on a volunteer basis.
I didn’t think I ever agree with one of your comments but I totally agree with you Sy_Noe on this one. I’m not crazy about the folk Mass but there are many who are attracted to it. It uplifts them and it helps them feel and know Our Lord. So if there are numerous Masses for the Sunday obligation then let one or two of them be folk Masses. If there is only one or two Masses for Sunday obligation then let the priest, music director and parishioners talk about it and decide on the type of music to be performed at Mass. Give the parishioners a variety. Sorry about this analogy but God wants to bring everyone to the table. I can’t believe I just said that, sorry (I was never a big fan of that song)(now if you’d like to hear what I would like to hear at Mass then here
A well played guitar, played reverently, would be fine by me. Thing is, most of the time the pieces used aren’t reverent, they aren’t beautiful, and in many cases they’re chock full of heresies!

We are bound to affirm the Truth in all we do, especially when we sing and especially at the Mass!

The ancient and the beautiful are more than worth bringing back! When was the last time most people heard Salve Regina or the Te Deum?
Yeah, I went to a Symposium given by him, and he was quite, um, persnickety. 😉😆
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