I was watching the EWTN Showcase special on it Saturday evening…all I can say about it…
I HOPE it’s REAL!!!
I HOPE it’s REAL!!!
There was a program on EWTN about the shroud and one of the scholars on the show was Jewish and she said the face on the Shroud was a typical Jewish face and not northen European.I risk sounding like a doubting Thomas in order to remain objective; in my observation the face and dimensions of the figure on the Shroud is similar to that of a northern European, and not to a person born and raised in Palestine - but, according to the logical fallacy of post hoc propter hoc, just because it resembles the phenotype of a northern European doesn’t mean it is not the image of Christ.
I was also wondering about this → I looked into this a while back, and could not find any miracles attributed to the shroud. Is that not something that would tend to indicate that it is a fake, given that little specks of saints’ everyday clothes have miraculous powers?Having read through all of the preceeding posts, I noticed that all the replies are based on either science or opinion.
I remember reading about St. Helen in her quest for the “true cross”. She found three. To determine which was the authentic cross of Jesus, she did a test. A person with some illness was asked to touch each of the crosses. When the true cross was touched, the person was immediately healed.
I propose that the same test be given to the shroud. If indeed it’s a painting or made by human hands, there would be no healing quality. If it is the authentic burial cloth of Christ then it would have the same “healing” qualities of any other relic.
The Carbon-14 dating of the Shroud of Turin was unscientific and faulty in the extreme, as discussed in this short video:You read “someplace”? That’s a bit vague.
The dating was done by 3 independent labs, the odds that they would all agree are remote. They all agree on the same basic age. 14th century.
from the website:
Very small samples from the Shroud of Turin have been dated by accelerator mass spectrometry in laboratories at Arizona, Oxford and Zurich. As Controls, three samples whose ages had been determined independently were also dated. The results provide conclusive evidence that the linen of the Shroud of Turin is mediaeval.
Just found this:
Nine copies of the Shroud of Turin were made and then touched to the original Shroud of Turin.
So, they are considered 2nd class Relics … * …
However, the copies can be touched.
They are making the rounds being transported from one parish to another.
Check the schedule for when it might be near you.*
They would be 3rd class relics (something touched to a 1st or 2nd class relic is a 3rd class relic)
The Shroud is especially of interest now during the runup to Easter, even more especially as so many people enter the Church at this time of year.The Shroud is authentic. It’s truly amazing. The more it is studied the more unexplainable it is. It is a big piece of the puzzle that brought me to the Church.
Very interesting!youtube.com/watch?v=nsKTiQK-Jv0&feature=relmfu
Scientists prove Jesus Christ(Yeshua Ha MAshiach)
hought this was interesting.
btw i believe it is real …
thanks,Very interesting!
Two things especially … the idea of the image of Jesus being perfect in both the upwards and downwards directions … and the transfer of some writing to the linen from papyrus tags.
Neither is fully developed in the brief video, but are extremely interesting to pursue in greater detail later. I need to view the video again and copy down the names and details of the individuals to allow me to continue exploring.
Thank you for posting! … extremely interesting!