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I bet this is comming soon to Oregon:

Eduard Verhagen, paediatrician at the Groningen University Medical Center and one of the authors of the study, told De Volkskrant newspaper he hoped to encourage doctors to report such cases without fear of prosecution.

“The babies are there but we were never allowed to talk about them. That must change. If we take this awfully difficult decision, it must happen with complete openness,” he said.

“You are trained to save the life of a child but with these children the suffering can only be stopped by ending their lives. It takes courage to do that.”​

In 2001, the Netherlands became the first country to legalise euthanasia. But doctors must obey strict rules. THIS part is IRONIC! Are you kidding???
I went to a retreat called “Taste of Heaven” where the vocations director for the dioceses (buffalo, I think) said that first came serlization, then abortion and if we aren’t careful then society will begin killing children under seven. He said this in October of 2004 (I think it was Oct)…I can’t believe its really come true…
“The criteria for baby euthanasia were that the newborn had no chance of survival and was suffering unbearably, the doctor had to consult at least one other, the parents had to agree and the life must be ended in the correct medical way.”

What??? what is the correct medical way I wonder? My guess is it’s not as easy to put down a baby as they like to make it sound.
caroljm36 said:
“The criteria for baby euthanasia were that the newborn had no chance of survival and was suffering unbearably, the doctor had to consult at least one other, the parents had to agree and the life must be ended in the correct medical way.”

What??? what is the correct medical way I wonder? My guess is it’s not as easy to put down a baby as they like to make it sound.

Your terminology is very important, because that is what humanity has come to.People are putting down humans like you would a sick pet:crying: God Bless
Woops, I had a spelling error, sorry folks. It’s C-O-M-I-N-G.
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