It’s a more common view nowadays than you’d expect. More and more proponents of abortion are allowing the “it’s not a baby/human being” argument to fall away and are moving on to straight up acknowledging that it’s a human being but providing arguments why abortion is still acceptable.
This issue is extremely central to Catholic morality and if your girlfriend holds this view, I would begin by having a very open discussion about where you both stand in terms of your faith. What other elements if any of Church teaching does she disagree with?
Our faith should be the most important thing in our lives - more important than our family, friends, spouse or girlfriend. Our spouse should help us become a saint and get to Heaven - if your spouse is not fully in communion with the Church’s teaching and maybe struggling with her faith, you will find marriage much more difficult if you are trying to be a faithful Catholic. I’d consider this very well.
This issue is extremely central to Catholic morality and if your girlfriend holds this view, I would begin by having a very open discussion about where you both stand in terms of your faith. What other elements if any of Church teaching does she disagree with?
Our faith should be the most important thing in our lives - more important than our family, friends, spouse or girlfriend. Our spouse should help us become a saint and get to Heaven - if your spouse is not fully in communion with the Church’s teaching and maybe struggling with her faith, you will find marriage much more difficult if you are trying to be a faithful Catholic. I’d consider this very well.