What would be some examples of hypothetical sins or non-hypothetical sins of omission?
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Your child is sick with pneumonia and you did nothing, resulting in her death.What would be some examples of hypothetical sins or non-hypothetical sins of omission?
Okay, where’s this going?What if you never wanted the credit?
Do we have a duty to correct everyone’s errors?
Every time someone opens their mouth, we have to analyze and correct them?
Only if you’re in Opus Dei.Rolling over and going back to sleep when you know you should get up. Does that count?
I don’t often feel like being kind to others, but I try hard to do it anyway. It becomes dangerous territory when the behavior we engage in is weighed primarily by feelings.A smile or kind word should come from the heart. If its not in you its not effective when you do it.
So is one culpable if it isn’t in his heart?
Come on, man, it’s pretty clear that staying quiet and taking credit for someone else’s work is wrong, frowned upon by everybody who’s ever had a job, and a sin.What if you never wanted the credit?
Do we have a duty to correct everyone’s errors?
Every time someone opens their mouth, we have to analyze and correct them?
It doesn’t have to be a big thing. I often don’t correct strangers when they mispronounce my name (which happens frequently.) I’m not likely to see them ever again and I don’t want them to feel embarrassed.I don’t think its a sin to not correct someone’s errors they make about you when you really don’t care one way or the other.